The Surprising Path Beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue with Kelly Brogan, MD, author of Own Your Self

While I love sharing ideas that are against the grain, I rarely go full-on controversial.

But today, I am.

To be honest, I’m squirming as I write this because my central nervous system has trouble with the inner explosion that happens when someone has been offended by something I’ve said or an idea I’ve shared.

My husband, on the other hand, is built differently. With Scorpio rising, he goes right for the truth in an at-times-shocking way and is far less (and sometimes not at all) concerned about what other people think.

So here’s the deal:

We have an incredibly important podcast episode for you today that is going to piss off some people in our community and also has the potential to save some of their lives.

If you choose to listen in, would you be willing to do the following?

  • Know that everything shared by our guest is grounded in evidence and if you choose to learn more, you’ll be amazed by how much data backs up these unconventional ideas.
  • Know that I do not believe there is one right thing for everyone (nor does our guest). So, please know that if what is shared in this episode challenges the choices you’ve made but you feel really good about those choices and they’re working for you, I celebrate that with all of my heart.
  • Know that if what is shared on this episode challenges some of the choices you’ve made and you are pissed off, but there’s also a part of you that knows that those choices aren’t entirely working for you, then dig into the resources shared.

That’s a lot of preamble. That’s how nervous I am.

This episode is about mental health and psychiatric drugs and the pharmaceutical industry in general, and there is critical information shared that you need to know as a human to have informed consent about what goes into your body.

Also, the beliefs shared in this episode are not in any way the party line. It’s why our guest, the brilliant NY Times bestselling author, Dr. Kelly Brogan, has been launching her revolutionary new book, Own Your Self, in a grassroots way. Her ideas are so groundbreaking (and controversial) that she knew she wouldn’t be waltzing onto The Dr. Oz Show or any other major media (because hi, hello, they’re funded by pharmaceutical advertising dollars).

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • The truth about chemical imbalances and the shocking discovery made from 6 decades of research
  • Why the information you get on Google is completely biased and how to find the truth
  • How to send your body signals of safety to turn on your own healing mechanisms
Click here to listen to this crucial conversation about health and what it is vs. what it’s not and who needs to be in charge of it.

Know this: We are at a critical time in history where we are being called upon to be far more conscious consumers and realize the source and motives of the media we take in.

I’m incredibly grateful for the privilege to have a platform to share messages like the one today that may not always be the most popular but are so necessary.

After you’ve listened in, I want to hear from you:

What did this episode bring up for you? What did you learn? Did it cause you to question anything that you’ve held as truth so far?

Tell me in the comments – let’s talk!

To your sovereignty and health,


P.S. I’m gathering women who are ready to uplevel their business in 2020 through the Do Less Method for a high-touch, intimate group experience. Click here if you’re interested in applying.


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