Bring on the Light: A Quickie Ritual to Optimize the Summer Solstice

Bring on the Light: A Quickie Ritual to Optimize the Summer Solstice

Every summer on June 21st when I was growing up, we’d have a sleepover Summer Solstice party. We’d often pitch a tent in the backyard, play flashlight tag, and stay up late.

We honored the rhythms of Mother Earth with simple acknowledgment and celebration rather than super elaborate rituals. In this way the honoring became like breathing, a unity between us and the cosmos. Because we’re all made of the same stuff anyway, as it turns out.

I have tremendous resistance to rituals that sound complicated. If it requires a meditation, special candles, an altar, prayer, some dancing, incantations, journaling, crystals, and pulling cards, I’m just not going to do it.

I like to keep things simple because it increases the likelihood that I’ll actually do them. 

Bring on the Light: A Quickie Ritual to Optimize the Summer Solstice

Probably my resistance has to do with my continued difficulty with slowing down (thank you, motherhood, for tirelessly presenting me with this lesson). And it probably has to do with the fact that I don’t think you need a lot of accessories to connect with the “all that there is.”

So, if you’re like me and you like to keep your spiritual practice quick and simple, I thought I’d share what I like to do at the Summer Solstice to honor the light and the longest day of the year. (If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, that’s tomorrow, Thursday, June 21st. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s actually the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and I wrote about how to honor it at the very bottom of this post under the heading Release.)

The Summer Solstice coincides with the same energy as the full moon in the lunar cycle and ovulation in the menstrual cycle. In terms of the cycle of creativity and the way projects manifest, I call this energy Visibility.

It’s a time of peak fertility (energetically), manifestation, magnetism, and really being out there. (That doesn’t mean if you don’t feel this way right now there’s anything wrong with you. We all have our own cycles and seasons that speak to us in different ways. We talk a lot about how to navigate and plan for this in Origin™.)

I’ve got two little girls under 3, and I’m still on maternity leave. Plus, in general, my approach to life is to do less whenever possible.

Here’s what I’m planning on doing tomorrow to celebrate the Summer Solstice:

  • Acknowledging that it’s the longest day of the year by simply being aware of it
  • Having some friends over to grill outside and enjoy nourishment and good company al fresco
  • Taking a few minutes to talk with my husband Mike about what has come to pass since the Winter Solstice on December 21st when we set intentions for what we’d like to manifest as the light returns (I may even write it down in a journal if I’m feeling ambitious!)
  • Noting anything that we need to let go of in order to live out the rest of this solar cycle (a.k.a. year) in alignment with what we really want and who we really are
  • Enjoying the hell out of the fact that it’s finally summer in Maine and we wait all freaking year for this delicious season of heaven
  • Putting my attention on pleasure and savoring what feels good

If you want to add feathers and crystals and an altar and prayer and meditation and a special dance to your ritual, go for it. You do you. What’s most important about ritual is that it’s meaningful to us, so I give you carte blanche to make it up and make it feel good!

I’ll be over here keeping things simple and delicious.

Here’s to the light!


What are you doing to acknowledge the solstice? Which of the ideas I threw out resonates with you? What other kinds of rituals do you like to do? Tell me in the comments!


  • I love it – keepin’ it simple! I always love the Summer Solstice the most because it comes the day after my birthday and it feels to me like a fun, vibrant and alive time of the year. The kids are out of school so freedom is abound and the sun stays out for longer, where we can go hiking or just be outside in the warm air. Happy Summer Solstice!

  • I’m going to gather with a couple of my best lady friends and we’re camping out under the stars on the Maine coast, with a fire and food (including spinach and cilantro fresh from my garden – feeling such gratitude for the garden!). We’ll talk deep into the night, sing songs and send prayers and blessings out into the cosmos.

    PS: I’ve been a quiet, but faithful listener of The Kate & Mike Show since the first episode and have listened to every single one :)

  • Thank you for your brilliant simplification. I have always felt guilty about not doing enough or doing it right and now I’m free to be me…Ive been fine all along !

  • Love it Kate! I plan to drink a glass of wine while watching the sun go down. Either from outside, or if it’s raining from my bedroom window. I like your ideas for reflection and think I’ll add that in there too :)

  • Maria Rosangel Morales Briceño

    I am similar you, I love short meditation… (I have two boys lower 5 years too). Simple in better… it is pure…

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