Have you ever obsessed about a decision?
Ever feel like when it comes to financial decisions you’re not quite sure what to do?
Perhaps you don’t feel equipped to make an informed decision so you ask a bunch of people their opinion. Or you phone five friends. Or you Google your brains out. Or you defer the decision to someone you feel is “more qualified” than you to run your financial life for you.
I’ve got news for you: decision making, financial and otherwise, doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be time consuming. And it doesn’t have to become a full-time research career.
There’s another way. And it’s way easier. And it feels better. Plus, it’s more efficient because you never need another person in order to make the right decision. You’ve got everything you need inside you right now.
The decision making process I’m sharing with you today will ensure that you never have to worry about making a wrong decision again. It’s six simple steps to clarity.
Click below to check out this week’s episode of Financial Freedom Friday.
Never make a wrong decision again – 6 simple steps to make it so: http://bit.ly/1d0VU2Y (Tweet it!)Over to you:
What tools do you have for decision making that work for you? I’d love to hear them so leave a comment!