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What you can do every morning and evening to feel more vibrant: Glimpse TV with Maddy Vertenten

There are so many reasons why I love Maddy Vertenten of Vibrant One, starting from the fact that she’s also a native Mainer, stopping in the middle at the fact that she’s one of the best, most perceptive listeners I’ve ever met, and ending with the fact that she couldn’t be more adorable. (This is in no way an exhaustive list, simply a brief tour to whet your appetite.) Maddy currently lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two kids. A former executive and leadership coach (who’s gifted me some soul-shaking wake up calls in the form of coaching in the past several years: Thanks Maddy!), Maddy has created a life of wellness, freedom, pleasure, and joy with her businesses. I was blessed to meet her through Team Northrup and now feel lucky to call her not only a business partner, but also a friend. Maddy was one of my very first guests on Glimpse TV back in May and since she recently interviewed me over at Vibrant One I figured it was about time I published our episode! We talked about letting your light shine, why its a good idea to make your challenges available to everyone, how to add sacredness and holiness to your life on a daily basis, and what you can do every morning and evening to feel more vibrant. Plus there’s a special bonus section at the end of the interview :). Enjoy!

What you can do every morning and evening to feel more vibrant: Glimpse TV with Maddy Vertenten from Kate Moller on Vimeo.

How do you add sacredness and holiness to your day?

Do you have a morning and evening practice that really work for you?

Leave a comment. Maddy and I would love to hear from you!


  • Good Morning Ladies! What a great way to start my day. I loved the dance sequence and I too know the importance of exercise. Exercise can be my sacred and holy space. It is also SO EMPOWERING.
    Have a fabulous day!

  • Trish

    Thanks for the dance break, Ladies !!!

  • Great questions, thank you for those. I’m smiling after that interview.

    Sacredness and holiness~ starting the day with water. Staying present. Finding a few moments that are just for me in each day. Smiling at my husband when he walks through the door. Being silly with the kids. Connecting deeply each day.

    Daily practice~ I have a middle of the day practice. When the kids are at school and the baby is napping I make a beautiful meal and a cup of tea and I sit and enjoy it. I don’t eat while reading e-mail or a book, I eat and enjoy the quiet. I feel myself fill up and gain energy and space for moving through the rest of the day. And if all goes well and the kids go to sleep I love the conversation with my husband at the end of the day, that is such pleasure!

    I’m going to go learn more about Maddy now!

  • Maya Hazan

    What an inspirational interview! Loved the idea of checking in with the sky and the smells. You are both so full of energy and it was fun to watch! Maddy, you truly are a vibrant and authentic soul! Cool dance break, by the way! Thank you, ladies!!!!

  • Rachel Northrup

    Love the random dance sequence YES!

  • Very sweet you two.

    Sacredness in my day: lighting candles at my work space, having fresh flowers on my desk and playing soothing music. Dance breaks. Coming into my body in a way that reminds me of my beauty and sensuality. Looking around and just loving up what is.

    Morning and evening ritual: exercising, stretching, water, inspirational audios or videos, reading.

    Thanks to both of you!

  • I light a candle when I start my work for the day (when I’m @ home), I do breathing exercises and visualizations before bed and my honey and I review 5 things we’re grateful for every night…usually it’s more than five!!!
    It really gets me grounded and closer to what’s really important :-)

    Thanks for making me see sooo much good! This’ll be on the list tonight :-D

    Stay delicious!

  • Thank you so much for the great reminder of lighting a candle to create sacred moments for any moment of the day. And loved the dance! Still feeling the groove:)


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