Ever feel scared that people are gonna find out the truth of what’s going on in your life behind the scenes?
A truth that isn’t a match to the image you’re presenting on the outside?
Listen, I don’t think the entire world deserves to know all our business. And we’re all human with one area or another of our lives under construction at any given moment.
But let’s be honest: sometimes who we’re being out there is such a mismatch from what’s going on behind the scenes that it starts to hurt.
Back in my early twenties, I’d stretched the elastic band between who I showcased in public and who I was being in private when it came to my money that the rubber was starting to get tiny tears and was on the verge of snapping in two.
I was running all over NYC portraying an image of a young business dynamo in the wellness and personal development arena.
And I was super proud of the way my business was growing and the community I was building.
But I wasn’t so proud of the fact that my finances were a mess. I didn’t know what I earned. I didn’t know what I spent. I didn’t know how much debt I had. I wasn’t opening my financial mail.
My level of financial “with it-ness” was not nearly keeping up with how things looked.
I was ashamed. And the disconnect and avoidance was leaking a ton of emotional energy.
Turns out avoiding something takes more energy than just facing it head on, I finally found out.
At some point, I got honest with myself and saw my financial avoidance for what it was:
An unconscious way I was playing small.
But I couldn’t discipline myself into financial awareness like all the personal finance gurus were preaching.
And working only on an energetic level without practical financial awareness is part of what had gotten me into debt in the first place.
So, I found a sacred third.
I used a strategy that my inner voice urges me to try:
Lo and behold…it worked!
I was able to massively increase my income, pay off my debt, and double my savings within 6 months.
But more importantly?
My loving relationship with money became a resting place I could come back to over and over again when I found myself with mounting medical bills, a partner out of work, a rupture within my team, and other financial contractions and expansions that are part of adult life.
Love has been the foundation of it all.
Love softens the hard edges, sees solutions where before we only saw crisis, and restores us to wholeness.
And it never gets tired of it. It never runs out of steam.
No matter what state your finances are in, where can you add some love?
You’ll be amazed by what becomes available with that one simple ingredient.