The prerequisite for an uplevel for me

Ever since the Spring Equinox/my birthday (they’re at the same time!) life has felt like when I used to turn the faucet on my mom’s clawfoot tub growing up and the pipes would squeal from the sheer volume of water rushing through.

It’s been birthdays and Easter and expansion, oh my, over here.

The minute all the celebrations of my new decade and my little Aries’ 5th birthday and Easter were over, I got so sick. When I get sick, it’s usually for like 12 hours and a good nap nips it in the bud.

But I was so sick for so long. I kept having to change my pants because I was coughing so hard I kept peeing through them. Sexy times.

It probably had something to do with all the activity and just being tired, and we were also opening up our walls to do black mold mitigation so likely that was part of it, plus I’m sure there was some kind of virus hanging around taking root in my depleted immune system.

But I knew there was something else to it because this isn’t my first rodeo.

In 2011, I got violently ill on a flight from Phoenix, AZ to NYC where I was speaking at my friend Meggan Watterson’s REVEAL Conference at Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Center.

It was a big deal and my body knew it.

I spent the flight on the floor of the lavatory (so lovely) and had to get wheeled off the plane in a wheelchair because I was so weak from puking my guts out.

I’d planned to write my talk on the flight, but obviously that didn’t happen.

Instead, I slept for 14 hours straight, woke up just before I needed to get ready and get mic’d up, put my dress on, spoke straight from my soul, and ended up giving the talk of my life.

My soon to be editor was in the audience and she offered me a book deal based on that talk.

My body speaks really loudly to me and is intimately connected to what I’m going through emotionally. (I know I’m not the only one.)

So though there are plenty of conventional explanations for why I got so sick right before leading the biggest online workshop of my career that’s based on work, that’s very likely the meat of my next book, here’s what I know:

When it’s time for a big up level, I often get really sick to clear whatever’s in my system that needs to go in order to make way for the next way of being that’s coming next.

I’m sharing these stories because I bet you might experience something similar and, if you do, I want you to know that you’re not the only one.

Maybe your thing isn’t coughing up a lung and laying on the bathroom floor for over a week and a half to make space for your next body of work to come through you. Maybe it’s something less weird or more weird.

But whatever it is, may this be your reminder that:

Our bodies are so freaking smart. They’re always guiding us. They’re always working for us and with us.

And when we partner with them, so much becomes available to us that was previously out of reach.

All my love,



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