There’s something I know about you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and nobody (not even you) could ever convince me otherwise:
You are a once in eternity event.
The chances of you existing are 1 in 400 trillion.
400 trillion is so huge that it’s basically unfathomable.
Here’s how big just a trillion is: If you started spending a million dollars a day the year Jesus was born, you still wouldn’t have spent a trillion dollars by today.
Now multiply that by four.
Do I have your attention?
Great. Let’s talk about how to take full advantage of your one wild and precious life so that you’re not so tired, bored, stuck, anxious, depressed, uninspired, blah, or whatever else you might be challenged by.
Our dominant educational and work culture has taught us the completely wrong thing when it comes to making the most of our truly miraculous lives.
We trudge through life in this daze, focusing on making money, making sure people like us, trying to gather up enough status to fill the emptiness inside us, and generally trying not to ruffle any feathers.
This past weekend, I watched the brilliant documentary about Pharell William’s life done with Legos, Piece by Piece. I also got to see John Legend live during a performance where he wove his songs throughout the story of his life.
What I was struck by when I listened to their awe-inspiring stories was that they felt the magic inside themselves from an early age, and they didn’t give up on it. They had plenty of tragedy and disappointment along the way. They didn’t do it perfectly. It wasn’t easy, per se.
But they kept the ember burning for what made them come alive the entire time.
One of my all-time favorite quotes is from Howard Thurman, and it goes like this:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
I wanna be clear here that this is not about fame or success. We’ve been so conditioned by culture that we get things ass-backwards and conflate fame, wealth, status, and success with what makes us come alive.
Aliveness is free. Aliveness is your birthright. Aliveness is what you’re here for.
And the access point to your aliveness has always been and will always be inside you.
(Coincidentally, I have found that the more connected I am to my aliveness, the more things in the 3D world tend to reorganize so that opportunity and abundance flow more easily.)
So, in case no one has reminded you lately (or ever):
Your existence is a miracle. Your aliveness matters more than anything else. Cultivating your aliveness is by far the ONE thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary.
So, how do you charge yourself up with aliveness?
You charge yourself with aliveness by entering the incredible body into which you have the privilege of being incarnated.
And how do you get into your body?
Turn your face towards the sun.. Dance around your kitchen. Sip your coffee and really taste it. Make love. Talk to a house plant. Get outside.
So: How are you tending to your aliveness today? Don’t close this email until you answer that question and organize your day for it to happen.
When you prioritize your aliveness, it unlocks everything. I promise.