Stepping into a new decade

I’m writing this to you from my roof on my birthday. 

There are birthday people and non-birthday people. I’m squarely in the first camp.

I like a whole birthday season and am thrilled with all forms of celebrations from a huge blowout to simply my kids digging into the gifts bin I keep in my closet and wrapping something up for me that I’d bought for someone else.

Today is a big one because not only is it the Spring Equinox and the energetic and astrological start of the year (not to mention the Persian New Year), it’s also a New Moon and my first year of an entirely new decade.

New beginnings on steroids for all of us (and then a little extra for me ♥️.)

So before I go do a birthday workout and go to Ft. Lauderdale with Mike where he’s got a surprise for me that includes some kind of dinner theater (my man knows me so well!) I’m sharing some of my birthday digestion with you.

May it inspire a little intentional stock-taking and dreaming of your own.

Now to the birthday digestion I promised you. ;-)

Stuff I’m leaving behind as I step into this new decade and new year:

  • My old pattern of feeling unsupported, especially by men (Mike came back in to run our business behind the scenes in September, then brought on 2 of his buddies and now possibly a third to support in a variety of ways and I’m celebrating having more masculine support than I even dreamed possible now!)
  • The last dregs of doing too many things as a form of numbing
  • Any remaining programming that I have to have suffered a certain amount in order to deserve good things in my life
  • My intimacy issues

Things I’m beyond grateful for right this very minute:

  • My vibrant health and beautiful body
  • My adorable, smart, funny, quirky children
  • My supportive, open-hearted, open-minded, logistical genius husband
  • My wacky, wonderful family
  • Miami and its cultural richness
  • Our incredible team and their commitment to our shared vision
  • My absolutely, f*ing incredible, brilliant, loving, funny, generous and wise friends
  • Getting to do work that I truly love and get paid really well  to do it
  • The internet,books,and the joy of learning whatever I want while I lay on my bathroom floor on my BioMat with my red light going

New beginnings I’m ushering in/desires I have for this next decade:

  • The courage to go to the depths that I desire in marriage, work, family and friendships (see: intimacy issues above)
  • To have a ball writing my next book proposal, get a super abundant deal, enjoy the hell out of writing it, and for it to entertain and heal hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions
  • To savor time with my kids even more
  • To think less and feel more when I’m with Mike
  • To have a home where there’s room for a cold plunge and a sauna
  • To buy a second house in Maine for us in the summer and Airbnb the rest of the year
  • For Mike’s health to be vibrant and to be super strong physically
  • To increase our investments and “passive” income so that they cover all of our personal expenses and then some
  • To go to Italy with Mike
  • To dance more
  • To continue to reverse my biological age
  • To feel inspired, in awe, and laugh until I pee a little as often as humanly possible
  • To improve my Spanish so I can have a genuine conversation with someone, not just ask where the bathroom is or give directions
  • To continue to surrender to Life and let more and more pleasure and joy in as I’m guided to the things that are in store for me that are significantly better than what I would’ve come up with myself

Oooooh, that felt good to write out!

Now, it’s your turn! At this potent turn of the seasons and threshold of new beginnings, your intentions get some fertilizer!

What are you leaving behind? What are you grateful for right at this very moment? What do you desire next?

Write it out. Speak it aloud. Let the magic unfold.

May this season of new beginnings bring us all boat loads of healing, wonder, and laughter.

All my love,


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