Sometimes we have to break our own rules.

I’m trying something new this year.

Instead of making a whole long list of goals that usually morphs into what feels like a to do list, I’m picking a word for the year.

This year my word is GRACE.

A quick story of GRACE that happened a few weeks ago:

I was asked to be a guest expert for Alex Jamieson’s Ultimate Health Master Class. (I’m being interviewed along with some of my soul sisters including Latham Thomas, Sara Avant and Alisa Vitti. Details for signing up are at the bottom of this email.)

I had just made a company policy that I would no longer participate in online events that require a solo mailing to my list. But then Alex’s email came across my inbox and I felt compelled to say “YES!”

Here’s what I learned:
Sometimes we have to break our own rules. (Click to Tweet.)

During the interview I found myself telling Alex that I’ve never felt better about my body than I do right now.

When she asked me why I paused because I honestly didn’t really know. But then it came to me.
“I’ve started dancing again,” I replied as tears sprung to my eyes.

“I gave up dancing after college because I had what I now recognize as a ridiculous story  in my head about being too fat. So I stopped dancing. But every time I would ask myself what brings me the most joy, dancing would always pops up in the top three things. So I decided to love myself by dancing every single week. And it’s changed my relationship with my body.”

I love sharing wisdom and tips during interviews, but its not every day that being interviewed so profoundly shifts me the way that this particular interview did.

I’m so glad I broke my own rule. I said yes to Alex and the Ultimate Health Master Class because the moment I opened the email request from her team my heart popped open and I got excited. That’s always my sign that it’s a “YES!”

She asked me the perfect question at the perfect time so I could receive the exact insight I needed. I hope that this interview series is coming at the perfect time in your life, as well. Grace comes in many different forms.

The Ultimate Health Master Class includes 15 experts (including me) revealing their secrets to a vibrant, happy life. It’s January 7th to 14th…and it’s free!
Sign up here:

In the interview, besides the insight about loving our bodies through saying yes to things we love (like dancing and dropping an expired story about being fat) I also share how physical and financial health are inextricably linked.
Alex is an inspired interviewer and I know you’ll love the event. We’re covering a whole range of topics to help you find your own unique ultimate health. The right knowledge, the right mindset, and the right plan (for your body) can create miracles for you.
Join us for the event by clicking here:

(A side note of more GRACE: I’m writing this post poolside with my friend Liz. She just asked me if I want to go salsa dancing while we’re here in Costa Rica this week. Hell yes! Thank you synchronicity. I will say yes to dancing because it’s a way of loving myself. I will say yes to GRACE.)

  • What can you say “YES!” to this year that you love?
  • What’s your theme for 2013?
  • What old story are you willing to release because it’s preventing you from fully loving yourself?

Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you.
P.S. My girl Gabrielle Bernstein’s new book, May Cause Miracles launches this week. Buy this 6-week guide to subtle shifts for radical and unlimited happiness as an act of profoud self-love today.

P.P.S. Have you signed up for my new project, The Foxy Bod? Get on the list now to be one of the first to get my tips, programs, and wisdom for self-love and vibrant health. Next week I’m announcing something exciting on that list that you won’t want to miss.

P.P.P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for the Ultimate Health Master Class – it’s free!



  • My word for 2013 is PLAY :)

    I also learned of this amazing word yesterday, and can’t believe I didn’t know it til now!

    zaf·tig [zahf-tik, -tig]
    (of a woman) having a pleasantly plump figure.
    full-bodied; well-proportioned.
    alluringly plump, curvaceous, buxom.

    I think the article it came from is also relevant here! (via Heather Pierce Giannone)

  • I like this! It’s funny bc dancing is something I love. I’m not the BEST dancer but whenever I go to a class I laugh and do the best I can (any gal can shake her booty…right?) and I feel so good afterwards. I just had my first baby and I would love to take a class once a week. No clue how I will find the time but I figured I had to comment since you shared a dancing epiphany.

    Have fun in dancing salsa!

  • I really love this! Over the past 12 months so many things have happened in my life to open my eyes to the truth that lies around doing something you love and everything coming back into balance. I’ve signed up for this event and look forward to sharing it with others xo

  • Saweeeeeeet! I love your idea of picking a word of the year! This year, my word is: Surrender.

    Surrender to the forces that be :)


  • Kathleen Herriott

    This is just the article I needed to read because I feel exactly the same way about dance and gave it up to be an adult and sensible about work work work. I need dance back in my life style so i will have no regrets when I kick the bucket. I need dance in my life to bring me daily joy, and ofcourse I would love to feel better about my body! Thank you so much for sharing your “Grace,” Kate. You make a diference in my life. ~Love Kathleen

  • I love to dance! I allowed other people’s expectations of how I should act to box me in and it’s no longer going to be the norm.. I am breaking free.

  • Ooh, I’m writing about this next week! Thanks for the inspiration.

    And hey, if you love dancing, we’re having an online 1pm dance party today! Just pay attention to Twitter (#1pmdanceparty or @lynndaue) for the song and video :-)

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