I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just feel downright overwhelmed.
Like this morning for example. I’m packing up all my stuff (which admittedly isn’t much) and headed back across the country for the fourth, and hopefully final, time this year. (More on this very soon – big changes afoot here on The Freedom Tour.) I’m ironing out a book deal. I’m about to launch my 2012 Mentoring Program. I’ve got people emailing me about Team Northrup, interviews, bookkeeping, events, and more. How’s a girl to keep her sanity when everything always seems to be moving so fast?
Luckily, this week a new book is hitting the scene: Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom by Whitney McMillan.
Whitney asked me to review the book several months ago and here’s what I had to say about it:
In a world full of time-management tools, stress reduction techniques, and endless overwhelming band-aids to “fix” us, Whitney McMillan gets right to the source of overwhelm: our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Let this book be your permission to let go, get light, and be free.
Full of heart-centered personal stories of Whitney’s own journey with overwhelm and a practical Guided Journal with amazing tools to shift your overwhelm, it’s a truly valuable resource for transforming your life.
And I’m so glad I had this announcement scheduled to go out this very week, perhaps the most overwhelmed I’ve been since I left NYC in February, so that I could remind myself to dive into some of Whitney’s tools.
Each chapter in Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom focuses on a particular step in Whitney’s proven 7-step Rock Your Overwhelm process. From acknowledging your ‘overwhelm beliefs,’ releasing them, and moving forward into visioning your life of ‘overwhelm freedom,’ you’re guided to live your dream life – with clarity, balance, and freedom.
Here’s what my girl Gabrielle Bernstein, best-selling author of Add More –ing to Your Life, & Spirit Junkie, has to say about the book:
By fearlessly sharing her own authentic experiences, Whitney serves up first-hand guidance out of overwhelm and into a free flowing life.
To grab your copy and join the Rock Your Overwhelm movement, jump on over to: http://inspiredauthorscircle.com/whitney-mcmillan/
And guess what? The book is NOT all you receive! If you purchase Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom today, November 2, 2011, you also receive $1000s of FREE gifts as a BONUS. Not only does Whitney know how to rock overwhelm, she also knows a thing or two about generosity :)
Next time someone tells you they’re overwhelmed, or the next time you find yourself telling yourself that you’re overwhelmed, tell them (or yourself) about Whitney’s book. Then open it up and join me in diving in to Rock Your Overwhelm because who couldn’t use a little more clarity, balance, and freedom in their lives? I know I could!
Here’s to you LIVING FREE FROM OVERWHELM (and free in all other areas as well!)
P.S. Whitney believes overwhelm freedom can benefit all people. Will you join the movement to start Rocking Your Overwhelm today? www.whitneymcmillan.com