Right here, right now. Daily Video #2: April 25, 2011

The Freedom Tour Video Blog continues with Kate Northrup! The second installment reveals my confessions as an obsessive over-planner. How do we stay present while being productive? Thoughts? Leave a comment.


  • Diane Grover

    Hi Kate,
    Loved, “If it’s not a Hell Yes, then it’s a No!
    Perfect thought for me to keep in mind for the future. So, thanks for sharing that nugget!

  • Hi honey, I’m noticing how uncomfortable I am right now- just making playlists and listening to music. I keep thinking I SHOULD go for a walk. But the moon is void of course today. It’s a time for sorting, dreaming, staring straight ahead. I have NO IDEA where you would have gotten the idea that to plan and be productive 24/7 is the way to live life. Tee hee!! Mom

  • First, you are glowing gorgeous, the sun treats you well.

    Second, I’m the complete opposite, I resist planning with all my might. I was the one who bought planners and you find them years later and there is one thing written in them. Presents it’s own set of complications.

    Though I can’t relate to the planning, I relate to trying to move out of what you have always known and done, and I suppose we are all moving into the direction of being present and joyful, it just looks different.


  • Jerry Tyner

    Interesting that you were planning since you were little. I loved your Mom’s comment as well.

    I use planning as a way to know what are my meeting requirements for that day and to see where I have free time. Not always easy to find the later.

    Also, I liked the “Hell Yes” comment. I need to start doing that more. If it is something that will help me grow or help me to help someone else it will fall into that catagory. But at the same time I need to take more time to contemplate and meditate and not just say yes. I’m getting better but not there yet.

    Love the tour. Keep the trajectory and do like your friend said – one day at a time…and do rest. ;-)

  • Hi Kate! Love your vlogs & the whole freedom tour!

    I so relate to this! But, I really believe you can do both- plan & be present! I have also always been a planner; one of my biggest “issues” is trying to plan & do things perfectly once – I try to anticipate every possible problem & if something doesn’t go according to plan,
    I act like it’s not a big deal & react well, but deep down I’m beating myself up for not catching it. Since I had my daughter, I’ve gotten a little better at being ok with the unexpected ;) but, planning is important- my dad always says, ” if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” realize you are where you are because everything is happening according to your plan, right :)

    On the flip side, my mom always said, ” don’t wish your life away.” growing up, I would always wish I were older so I could do this or that & didn’t fully enjoy each year as it’s own- just as a means to something better. Now, with my own baby, I couldn’t agree more with her statement- I want to pause each day with her because she changes so much in 24 hrs. Being present & in the moment is so important for me & her. And I am learning to be more an more present in all areas of my life- and with that presence comes gratitude for so much more- and with gratitude things seem to all fall into place according to my plan ;) so, maybe being present is another way to execute your big picture plan…?

    Keep it coming!

  • Claire O Donnell

    hey, love your video blogs and your honesty. I’m a bit of an over-planner too, mainly as planning prevents me from having to do it right away…it’s sometimes easier to keep planning for the future :-) recently though during my meditation I’ve really practiced ‘just being’ and found it phenomenal for increasing energy and vitality..
    Come to Ireland for a break when your freedom tour is over.. you’ll find it hard not to be just present on the beautiful West Coast of Ireland :-)
    Have a great week and weekend, C :-)

  • Lynette

    Good thoughts! It helps me to make a planning goal & once i’ ve accomplished that much I feel more able to be in the present knowing I’ll come back to planning later!

  • Hi Kate!

    Thank you so much for this video. Vulnerability is so adorable–thank you for sharing from your challenges and what you are working on. I too found a schedule of mine from childhood, detailing what to do in the morning, made back in third grade. It looked something like this: Get up, Eat cereal, Brush teeth, Get dressed…etc. It made me laugh but also made me sad: why did I feel the need to schedule out every minute, at such a young age? It is almost like I did not trust myself to make the right decisions–to go to school with clothes on, or something. Like I would forget to eat or catch the bus! Anyway, I try to walk the sweet fine line between committing to the tasks that will support me and my goals, and letting the others get done when they will. Like breakfast, like getting dressed–if it needs to happen, it will!

    Best of luck with your trip and making these sweet videos!

    • Kate

      @Kara, Thanks for chiming in Kara – I love the story about your schedule from growing up. I can TOTALLY relate! Here’s to trusting that what needs to happen will happen!

  • Hi Kate
    You are a gem! I love your authenticity and willingness to step out and be REAL! Now THAT is freedom!!!

    I have a 24 hour rule..when I am asked to do something I give it 24 hours and if it is not a HELL YES…its a NO!
    Hugs to you

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