Rest and reflection

The next time you hear from me, it’ll be 2024.

And just so you know, you’re not going to hear anything from me about the New Year in terms of goal setting, “New Year, New You”, crushing the year ahead or anything else that does anything other than honor the following truth:

It’s winter.

Even though I live in the tropics and wear a bikini at least once a week, no matter the season, the energetic pull of winter is really strong for me.

I find that when I follow the cycles of nature and my body, it makes everything in my life easier and more powerful, from my relationship with money to my relationship with my body and everything else in between.

So while your inbox and feed will likely be full of New Year’s challenges to do more, be better, and be different, I’m reminding us what the energetic invitation of this season is:

Rest and reflection.

The first New Moon of the year is January 11th, so at the very minimum, between now and then is an inward time. (I’ll share more about the arbitrary nature of the Gregorian Calendar that we use and which key dates you might consider syncing up with in 2024 to be in alignment with the cycles of nature in my first Dispatch of 2024 so stay tuned for that!)

So if you find yourself feeling agitated by the marketing messages that bombard you about kicking off the New Year right and doubling down on your best year ever, let this message be your inoculation and reminder that it’s winter. You don’t need to be starting or improving a damn thing.

Tomorrow is the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, aka the Winter Solstice.

It’s the time when, since it’s the darkest outside of ourselves, it’s the best, most potent time of the entire year to look and listen within.

Here are some prompts to consider as you honor the darkest day of the year:

What parts of me need a break? Where can I give myself permission to rest even more than I already am?

What parts of me and my life are craving my love and attention?

What do I want to bless and release as compost to fertilize the soil for new growth when it’s the right season of new beginnings for me?

What do I need to hear, see, or feel on this day, the darkest night of the year, to support my fullest expression?

As of writing this I still can’t hear out of my right ear so I’m taking it as a sign that I need to double down on going inside and listening to the voice of my soul…so that’s precisely what I’ll be doing tomorrow (plus going to see Leann Rimes Holiday Concert with my man!)

I’m also thinking a lot about and doing my best to practice patience, surrender, giving things over to the Divine, holding our desires with a loose, wide open palm, and also dancing with the unknown.

It’s been very odd to be sick for so long and then temporarily lose half of one of my senses.

I’ve been resisting being sick like a MOFO and have done everything I can think of for my ear ranging from antibiotics to ear candling to a distance energy clearing to prayer to self-administered ozone ear insufflation.

And then a dear friend of mine off-handedly mentioned that it may just take time. This wasn’t information I was psyched to receive. But I knew she was probably right.

At the time of writing this, and most certainly tomorrow on the darkest day of the year, I’m offering up my desire to feel like my usual energized self with full hearing in both ears and surrendering to whatever timeline and healing scenario will be most medicinal for my soul (and I’m also seeing an ENT on Friday because both/and.)

Perhaps I need more time to listen inside. We shall see…or hear, as the case may be.

Whatever state this deep winter season finds you, know this:

We’re being called within.

May you surrender yourself to the invitation. I certainly am, so you won’t be alone.



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