I’m writing this from a train station in South Florida, the Friday before the election here in the USA, so I don’t know the results.
Upon reading this, some folks may be in elation, some in devastation, some in fear, some in apathy, and some in a place in the world or their lives where this election hasn’t been a major thing for them.
No matter what has come to pass, I wanted to share what I’m focusing on right now as my next step to be part of the solutions we need in case it’s helpful to you.
I think so much of the spin many folks are experiencing right now is because of our perpetual tendency to externalize our power.
(I’m not immune to this at all, BTW.)
No matter who’s in leadership, no matter what they’re saying on TV, and no matter how true it is or isn’t, here’s what remains:
We have our own connection to Source that no one can take from us.
There is no election result, no global story, no choice our partner makes and no illness that can take this connection away from us. Nothing.
Our connection to Source (Life Force/ the Universe/ God) is infinite and impenetrable.
And it remains today just as much as it was there last week, the day you were born, and just as much as it will be there the day you die.
How do we plug back in?
Here’s a menu:
- Limit your media consumption
- Feel your feelings (like truly surrender and let them move through you so you don’t get stuck there)
- Get outside
- Lay on the earth (under a tree if possible)
- Swim in the ocean
- Move your body
- Get your hands in the soil
- Hug a human or an animal for a minimum of 20 seconds
Our world stage is rife with opportunities to disconnect from one another and from Source.
But I know we can remember. Our bodies were designed to remember over and over again in so many little ways that make us come alive.
We were built for this, quite literally.
I believe in us.