James Wedmore is known on the interwebs as the guy you turn to when you want to learn how to increase your traffic and profits through using online video.
As I’ve gotten to know James over the years, I’ve learned that while he’s a rock star when it comes to video marketing, where he really shines is in blending the practical aspects of building a successful business with manifesting and the law of attraction.
He spoke at The Freedom Immersion event that Mike and I hosted in Maine last year on bringing the masculine and feminine to your business and using left and right-brain techniques to catapult your results…and satisfaction.
James is a brilliant teacher (plus he gets really excited when he’s teaching, so it’s a winning combo). He’s taught me how to make graphics using Keynote, how to surf, how to increase my YouTube traffic using the Google keyword tool, and more.
I wanted to bring him on Glimpse TV so he could share with you some of what he shared with us at The Freedom Immersion about how he built a 7-figure business through combining old-fashioned elbow grease with the law of attraction.
Our conversation covers a lot of territory. Here’s what you’re going to learn:
- The story of how James got proof that manifesting works
- How he learned to speed up his manifesting using a key strategy that’s usually overlooked when we practice the law of attraction
- How you can do business with more than just 100% effort
- How to set goals that are meaningful and effective
- Some of James’s unconventional business strategies
- James’s keys to recharging his energon cube and what the heck that is
- His step-by-step strategy for reverse engineering his launches to make them as helpful to his audience and as profitable to his business as possible
- How to let go of business frustration
- The key question to ask yourself when you’re stuck and you don’t know how to get to your goal
Share the practical manifesting love:
You need the magic, but you also need the metrics. ~@jameswedmore via @katenorthrup #GlimpseTV (Tweet it!)
I just keep finding what I love doing and do more of it. ~@jameswedmore via @katenorthrup #GlimpseTV (Tweet it!)
If your desire is inevitable and you knew that, you wouldn’t freak out. ~@jameswedmore via @katenorthrup #GlimpseTV (Tweet it!)
Learn more about James:
JamesWedmore.com James’s YouTube Marketing Creative Live Course (I was a guest in the audience and it was amazing! When you get the course you’ll also see me fumble through filming my first video live.)Over to you:
What did you learn from James in this episode of Glimpse TV? How can you apply it to your business and/or your life? James and I would love to hear your takeaways!