About a month before our wedding I got a book in the mail with a beautiful brunette on the cover.
I get a steady stream of books to review, and sometimes I do so in a timely manner. And other times not so much.
Technically, I didn’t have “time”to be diving into a new book. I had so much to do — prepare for the wedding, wrap up business so that I could take time off after the wedding — reviewing a book wasn’t really on my priority list.
This one, though, called to me more than the others. The title, Playing Big, whispered to me from my coffee table until finally I picked it up a few days after it arrived.
I was hooked after the first few pages. I spent mornings in June sitting on our deck eating my breakfast, alternating between underlining poignant passages and dabbing my eyes as tears of recognition pooled.
Regardless of how “busy” I was, I knew I needed to make time for Playing Big and make time I did.
Within the first chapter I had a running list of women in my life who needed this book (including me!). The way that author Tara Mohr describes the subtle and insidious ways that we as women, especially sophisticated women, play small made me want to stand up and shout:
“Yes! That is SO TRUE!”
Here’s what I love about this book: It’s not just theoretical. Tara offers really smart, practical advice for playing bigger in our lives.
And in case you get tired just thinking about playing big, it doesn’t have to be what you think.
Tara defines it like this:
Playing big is being more loyal to your dreams than to your fears. (Tweet it)
Um, yes please! I’ll have some of that. You with me?
If you find yourself racked by fear, self doubt, and a persistent feeling that there has to be more than this, this is your book.
I recently had a chat with Tara on Glimpse TV about her new book and what playing big really means for women today. I was so nourished by our conversation. Today I’m sharing it with you, knowing that you’ll find Tara’s words as resonant as I have.
In today’s episode of Glimpse TV Tara and I talk about:
- What to do when you wake up and realize your life is happening right now, but you’re not sure you’re actually living it
- What fear and self doubt have in common with chronic illness and how to manage them
- Three specific and sophisticated ways that you’re likely playing small that you’re unaware of
- How to define your own version of playing big that’s energizing rather than exhausting
- Why you actually don’t have to have confidence to play big
- The type of fear that’s actually helpful for you and how to identify and work with it
- Why you don’t need a mentor and who to seek out instead
Click below to watch the episode so that you can uncover ways you’re playing small so you can cut it out ASAP!
When you order Tara’s brilliant book before October 13th, you’ll get immediate access to three bonus videos that will help you identify your calling, incorporate some Playing Big strategies in your every day communications, and more before your book even arrives.
Plus, you’ll get access to two live Q+A calls of coaching and deep dives into Playing Big directly with Tara.
Click HERE to get your book and learn more.
Over to you:
Which of the ways that smart women tend to play small feels most familiar to you? What’s one specific way you’re ready to start playing bigger in your life? Leave a comment below. Tara and I would love to hear from you!