In 2023 and the first half of 2024, I was sick all the time.
I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I take sleep very seriously. I take supplements. I do nervous system healing practices daily. I eat whole, organic foods and very little sugar.
The amount I was sick made absolutely no sense given how well I take care of myself.
It was a mystery, but I got quiet, listened deep inside, and finally understood what I needed to shift.
If you’ve been struggling with repeated illness or just feeling run down, I hope what I learned will help you, too.
My motto is Body First.
So, even though I’m known for teaching about time and money abundance, everything always comes back to the body.
Our experience of time depends on our physical and energetic state. Our best work is sourced from the energy that comes through our bodies. And our ability to feel safe and present in our bodies impacts our relationship with money.
When our bodies have a message for us that comes in the form of physical symptoms, the earlier we listen, the better it is for our ability to do our best work and experience abundance.
The message I got from my body about what was really going on was surprising.
But heeding it made all the difference.
I’m happy to report that I haven’t been sick since July (I was sick at least once a month for a year prior to that 😬.)
Curious what made the most difference for me and which practices I’m sticking with?
I recorded a solo podcast about my current reparative and preventative wellness practices.
In it, you’ll hear about:
The surprising message I heard when I temporarily lost my hearing due to the first ear infection I’d had since the age of 3
The insight my friend shared about mold and our health that massively hit home for me
How I’m using light to heal
Enjoy the episode, and happy healing!
P.S. I just love it when I get to talk to someone who’s a straight shooter about tricky topics like money.
Ajit Nawalkha, founder of Evercoach, has the most amazing story of creating a big, abundant life by knowing how to add value.
This week, he’s on Plenty sharing:
The difference between being rich and being abundant (and which to go for)
An insight on setting meaningful goals that really helped me loosen my grip
Why our values matter when it comes to making more money
And so much more goodness!