My next wealth-building focus

Something highly unusual has been going on with me for the past 10 months or so:

I keep getting sick.

Anyone who knows me well knows that the level at which I care for my physical health is skyscraper-high. The Oura ring, the sleep hygiene, the organic food, the supplements, the no alcohol, the minimal caffeine, the minimal processed foods, the red light, the yadayadayadayada.

While of course I’m getting blood work done and looking for physiological reasons my immune system’s been in the toilet (here’s looking at you mold and parasites), I’m also listening to my body to see what else she might be telling me.

I’ve been asking: are there any emotional patterns or behavioral patterns whose time has come to leave my experience that my body is asking me to pay attention to?

The resounding answer? Yes.

And what I’ve heard has everything to do with the next step in my wealth-building plan.

I was sick last spring when we were going through mold mitigation in our condo and spent a ton of time on my Biomat on my bathroom floor, sometimes using that time to write social media posts for our spring Relaxed Money launch. (It was actually an incredible testament to the promise of Relaxed Money because it was our biggest launch of all time and I was mostly horizontal for it. Doors open again in late April if you want to get on the waitlist.)

I was sick again in October during our Relaxed Money launch and then again in November and December. I went down briefly again in January and then again as February turned to March.

I had several people who love me mention what the message might be (including my amazing husband) but I wasn’t really ready to hear it until right around Leap Day. (In my experience the body doesn’t need to try so hard to get our attention with symptoms unless there’s a part of us that’s not yet available to hear the message it has for us. That’s very much been me.)

The message is this:

It’s time for me to take saying no to a whole other level.

I’m an Enneagram 7, an extrovert through and through, a Gemini Moon, and a Manifesting Generator. Cliff’s Notes? I LOVE to go to things and be with people. I love to collaborate. I love going places to be with those people. I just love doing things with wonderful people, both personally and for business.

But the truth is I’d been saying I wanted to write my next book for 18 months and while I’d written a few hundred words, I wasn’t actually doing it. There was always a gathering to go to or an airplane to get on.

I wasn’t writing the book. I was doing other things. (Totally valid, wonderful things, with totally fabulous people, all of which were related to my goals and in alignment with my values. That’s what made the pattern so tricky to see.)

But when I looked at my calendar, I could see that I wasn’t prioritizing the thing that my soul was most calling me to do, which was get my next body of work on paper to help the people who really need this work in a bigger way.

And I really needed to contend with a very sneaky and insidious part of me that was basing its sense of safety on being at all the places with all the people.

So, the next part of my wealth building plan?

Saying no to nearly everything and building my internal sense of trust and safety based on knowing that there will be a consistent stream of wonderful opportunities in my life forever and right now I need to say no to most of them so I can say a bigger yes to the book that wants to come on through me.

And what does saying no have to do with wealth?

Well, letting ourselves be distracted from the most important work by saying yes to everything that’s not that work is the same thing energetically as wasting our money on things like disposable fashion, food with no nutritional value, or other impulse purchases that aren’t in alignment with our values or our goals.

When we double down and devote ourselves to the 20% that gets us 80% of the results, we accelerate our ability to build true assets that pay us, both financial ones and energetic/emotional ones.

My word of the year is devotion. It’s half-way through March and I’m just now understanding why that word chose me.

From here on out, I’m saying no to nearly everything so I can say a bigger YES to creating what matters (this next book) and tending to the seeds I’ve already planted. I’m trusting that there will be other seasons of visibility where it’s time to be out there in bigger ways, but this is not one of them. I’m in a season of blooming where I’m planted and I know enough about cycles and abundance to know that I’ll get a much richer, bigger harvest if I stick with the season I’m in instead of trying to skip to the next one.

As you read this, did you think of any area where you’re syphoning your energy away from the things that really matter or the work that’s really calling to you?

Do you wanna join me in reigning it in and having a season of saying more no’s so you can say a bigger yes?

It’s not easy, it’s not always our default setting in a world that makes constant requests of our time, but I know for sure it’s the only way I’m going to expand to the next level of expression and impact.

If you know it too, know you’re not alone and I’m right here with you, buckling down for the deeper, more impactful, yes.

Lots of love,


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