Money is Made Up

This week’s dispatch went out as part of the FLOW Drive To Attend Sequence, and can be found here:

We need to have an important conversation today.

It’s a conversation about money.

It’s about women, energy, and money and if you let this one seep in, it’ll make your life easier and the world a lot better of a place for all living things.

To tee it up, I’ve gotta clarify one important thing:

Money is made up.

It’s a system that humans invented about 5,000 years ago so that they could trade stuff with people who didn’t have the exact goods and services they wanted at that exact moment.

Money is simply a stand in for what we value, or what’s important to us.

There aren’t any countries left that use the gold standard for their money, so the entire system is based entirely on what human beings perceive as valuable.

What we perceive as valuable is based on how we feel. It’s totally subjective. And how we feel is, of course, an emotional experience.

We can’t see or touch our emotions, but we can feel them. Stuff we can’t see or touch but know is there is energetic.

So, our emotions are basically energy. (They also affect our bodies in really interesting ways that change us physiologically and also energetically because, believe it or not, our bodies are 99% made of energy, aka space! 🤯)

Circling back to where we started:

Since money is made up and only based on what we value (and therefore our emotions), money is mostly just energy.

All energy has a specific frequency.

You know this from how it feels to be around certain people. Certain people feel like sunshine, certain people feel like a hurricane, and certain people feel like quicksand. That’s because of their energetic frequency.

We attract or repel things in our life largely based on our energy.

Our energy is a factor in attracting or repelling money, as well.

Important note: There are other human-made systems that impact our financial reality besides your energetic frequency. Some of them, like compounding interest, are supportive. Some of them, like systemic inequity based on gender or race, aren’t. Rest assured that when I talk about money from an energetic or spiritual perspective, I understand that there are multiple contributing factors to anyone’s financial situation. Some of them are things we can personally change, like our thoughts and actions. Some of them aren’t things we can personally change, like other people’s unconscious bias. I’m here to support you to change the things that you do have control over. One of them is your energetic frequency around money.

If you’re reading this blog, I know something to be true about you:

Your body was grown in the body of a woman.

Women have this miraculous ability to be conduits of energy and bring life into form where before there was nothing.

You don’t have to have given birth yourself or even have the anatomy to do so in order to tap into this energetic power, though.

My friend Sarah Jenks says that women are the Divine Slip and Slide between heaven and Earth.

We take the formless (energy) and bring it into form (matter.)

We’re designed to be energetic conduits.

The data shows us that women are really good with the energy of money, too. I think on some level we’re designed for it.

Companies with more female leadership are more profitable.

Women are better investors.

Women give more money to charity.

When women are involved in long-term financial planning, their physical and mental health improves significantly. Since women’s health is a cornerstone of healthy societies, the ripple effect is profound.

Finally, when women are involved with and in charge of the money, here’s what else happens:

  • Development speeds up
  • It helps overcome poverty
  • Inequality is reduced
  • Children’s nutrition, health, and school attendance improves
  • More money is invested in families and communities

If you’re a woman, you’re designed to be a conduit of energy. Therefore, you’re designed to be a conduit (and a pretty darn good steward) of money.

So, if you’re finding yourself chronically underearning, overspending, being in financial avoidance, or playing small in any other way financially, you’re not doing anyone any favors, least of all yourself.

This isn’t to shame or blame you. The lack of financial knowledge and action is not your fault. But right here, right now, is your chance to change that.

The data is clear: More money in the hands of women is good for everyone.

Are you ready to be part of it?

What’s one thing you can do today to have a healthier relationship with your money on behalf of yourself and everyone else’s lives you can positively impact?

Post on your Instagram story and tag me to let me know, or shoot me a DM.

To your abundance,


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