My dear friend Danielle LaPorte, best-selling author of The Fire Starter Sessions and The Desire Map, has just created something new that you’re going to want to know about if you want to make more money and change more lives this year.
If you’re a get-right-to-the-point person, simply click HERE for all the details.
If you like stories and background, read on.
Danielle’s premise for The Desire Map is brilliant:
When we set a goal, we’re not actually chasing that goal. Instead, we’re chasing the feeling that we think achieving that goal will create.
Danielle says we have the whole goal-setting process catawampus. Instead, she suggests getting clear on how we want to feel first and then reorganizing our entire lives and businesses around producing those feelings.
Holy revolutionary!
I was honored to be one of the first readers/testers of The Desire Map. Ever since, the practice of making decisions and crafting my days from the perspective of, “How do I want to feel?” has become something I cannot live without.
(Every year since then, our business has more than doubled. And on most days I look around at my life and breathe in how grateful I am that it’s so awesome. This Desire Map stuff works.)
I’ve said no to really big deal things because I knew they wouldn’t help me feel expansive (one of my Core Desired Feelings (CDF)). I’ve said yes to things that didn’t look that great on paper but that fueled my desire to feel connected (another CDF).
The process for determining your Core Desired Feelings and then infusing your life with them is a deep dive. You’ll uncover some surprising things about yourself. You may feel queasy at times, realizing you’ve been following the party line instead of your heart. And you will most definitely set yourself free if you let yourself really go there.
The Desire Map Licensing Program
I’m thrilled to be on D’s team of Desire Map ambassadors spreading the word about her newest creation, The Desire Map Licensing Program.
This program is perfect for you if you’re a yoga teacher, coach, healer, therapist, wellness provider, or if you simply have entrepreneurial blood in your veins.
Here’s how it works:

2. You get tools, resources, training, and support to create your own Desire Map workshops (virtual or in person).
3. You make money teaching this brilliant work.
4. You change peoples’ lives teaching this brilliant work.
5. Your life is changed from teaching this brilliant work (financially and otherwise.)
Danielle and her team will actually give you everything you need (think business-in-a-box but not cheesy and actually effective) to add The Desire Map material into what you’re already doing or make it your whole career enchilada.
Because I love D and this work, I’m a proud affiliate partner of The Desire Map Licensing Program. Thus, I am giving you some bonuses crafted specifically to help you fill your Desire Map workshops and be masterful with the money you make from them. (Think earning, saving, growing, and giving.)
When you become a licensee through my link you’ll also receive:
Heart Hustle: A Digital Experience in Learning the Fine Art of Service-Based Selling
#MoneyLove for Business Owners: A Digital Course to Learn How to Make More Money and Take Better Care of It When You Do
Click HERE to learn more about The Desire Map Licensing Program and my gifts to you.
Exclusive Live Money & Desire Chat with Danielle and Kate
When you become a licensee by January 21st, you’ll also get exclusive access to a live video chat with Danielle and me about how to use your Core Desired Feelings to make, save, grow, and give more money. We’ll answer your most burning questions about desire and money. #MoneyLove meets #DesireMap. Only good can come of it.
Click HERE to become a licensee and get access to the live chat.
Businesses are ready to be launched. Plans are ready to be hatched. Partnerships are ready to be forged. Love is ready to be made. Money is ready to be made. Dreams are ready to come true.
Become a catalyst for people to live into their desires.
When we make money changing people’s lives we activate an upward spiral. (Tweet it!)
The better it gets for them, the better it gets for us. The better it gets for us, the better it gets for them.
Click HERE to learn more about the Desire Map Licensing Program and get on that upward spiral.