How to use your breasts to change the world: Glimpse TV with KC Baker of The School For The Well Spoken Woman

KC Baker and I first met when we worked together in Team Northrup starting in 2005. This well spoken, poised, champion for women has been a dear friend of mine for seven years. And today I’m so thrilled to share the work that she’s doing in the world with you guys via Glimpse TV. I’ve seen KC through many iterations of her personal and business life since I’ve known her. What all of her pursuits have had in common is that she’s deeply committed to supporting women in bringing their highest selves into the world AND that she’s a total rock start entrepreneur.

Within the last year KC launched The School For The Well Spoken Woman, a place where women on a mission can come to learn how to rock their message AND delivery.

Because if you’ve got something to say but you don’t know how to say it powerfully and in a compelling way, your mission will be thwarted from the beginning. But if you combine your mission in the world with poise, confidence, grace, presence, and superb communication skills, then people will really be able to hear what you have to say and you’ll make a far greater impact.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before: most people fear public speaking more than they fear death.

So KC certainly has plenty of people to support in moving through their discomfort and fear towards grace and power. As a prep for her upcoming events, Speak Up For Your Business (an 8-week speech writing course that I’m thrilled to be part of the faculty for) and The School For The Well Spoken Woman LIVE, KC is rolling out a free video training series covering the following juicy topics and more:

  • the secret that all charismatic public speakers use to captivate their audiences
  • the single most important perspective shift to turn your fear of public speaking into grace
  • the one question to ask yourself that will make writing your next talk EASY and have it turn out EPIC
Sign up by clicking here to receive KC’s free Secrets to Confident, Graceful Public Speaking video training course. You’ll also have a chance to apply for her upcoming programs. Speak Up For Your Business begins May 12th and The School For The Well Spoken Woman LIVE is happening in San Francisco and NYC (you pick your location) in July.

KC is doing such critical work in the world. I’m overjoyed that The School For The Well Spoken Woman exists because helping women clarify and turn up the volume on their voices couldn’t be a more compelling mission. I’ll never forget doing Team Northrup presentations with KC back in 2005 and being struck by how much grace, elegance, presence, and power she had as a public speaker back then. So let me tell you, this woman knows her stuff!

Back in February KC flew across the country to snowy Wainscott, NY to snuggle up with Mike and me for a week because she got a download in her meditation one day that this would be the perfect thing to do. We cooked, we talked, we walked on the beach, we all wrote around the fire, and of course, we filmed Glimpse TV :)

Watch our episode below to find out:

  • KC’s perspective on what is going to move us forward as a species
  • how to stop what KC calls “innocent narcissism” from preventing you from speaking succes
  • and how to use your breasts to enhance your impact as a speaker and a change-maker (I’m serious and it’s not what you think!)

If you want to crank up the volume on your voice and your message in the world, this is an extraordinary time to be alive. ~@KCBaker w/ @KateNorthrup on #glimpsetv (CLICK HERE TO TWEET THIS TWEETABLE)

Watch KC’s TEDx talk that I mentioned in the Glimpse TV episode below:

Sign up for KC’s free Secrets to Confident, Graceful Public Speaking video training course by clicking here.

I’m so thrilled to be a part of Speak Up For Your Business and to be joining KC, Barbara Stanny, my mom, Dr. Christiane Northrup as a guest speaker. This 8-week course is also included when you enroll in The School For The Well Spoken Woman LIVE so check that out by clicking here.

 What message do you want to get out into the world? What are you on a mission to say? What freaks you out the most about speaking in public? Leave a comment here!




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