Craving a Change in Direction?

I had a quick phone drop-in with my dear friend this morning as I drove the kiddos to camp and she was filling me in on the launch she’s in the middle of.

I was so inspired.

First of all, they’ve nearly hit their enrollment goal already and they have tons of time left.

Second, it all came together quickly, relatively easily, and smoothly. It’s a well lubricated launch.

I feel especially happy for her because we’ve been close for about a decade and I’ve witnessed her go through many painful, disappointing, and/or pressure-filled launches.

Sometimes contrast makes things a little extra sweeter.

I find revenue generation to be a bit of a mystery school. Sometimes it’s really clear why things are working or not.

Sometimes, not so much.

But there’s a common thread running through the veins of her launch and also the success of my podcast guest this week that I’m taking as inspiration for myself and I hope you’ll join me.

If you have a new direction stirring inside you but you’re scared that it won’t work or you’re scared of what other people will think, what both of these women are doing is the medicine you need.

So what’s this magical thing I’m seeing my friends do that’s inspiring me and helping them expand their earnings in a way that feels like the wind’s at their backs?

They’re saying “YES!” to the stirrings inside them to set out on a new path even when there’s no evidence that it’s going to “work” from the 3D perspective of making sales or getting visible traction.

Whether it’s launching in a way they’ve never seen anyone else do but that they received a clear plan for from the Divine…

…or having the courage to talk about aliens and esoteric energetic concepts in a new book when they were previously known for their marketing prowess…

…they’re just saying: “F it! There are no rules. If my soul says yes to this change, it’s a yes.”

So often we feel an inner pull to a new direction…sometimes for years…and we don’t take any action because we’re afraid of what “they’ll say” or that the external results won’t materialize.

We stick to what we know. We stick to what we’re known for. We don’t deviate because we’re looking for a guarantee. We’re afraid of what people will say if we go in the direction we’re called.

But when it comes to innovation and answering The Call, the only guarantee we’re gonna get is that being true to ourselves has a deep resonance that skating the surface doing what’s expected or what we’ve always done will never deliver.

Sometimes we do get the double reward of the deep alignment that comes from heeding our inner voice and we get some kind of visible reward (like income or recognition) too!

But you know what? Even if the latter never comes, the soul satisfaction that comes from taking action on the instructions you get from within is the most valuable payoff any of us can ever hope for.

I’ve got something stirring inside me that feels super edgy and I’m scared. But I know that even pointing my pinky toenail in this new direction is part of my destiny. It might take a decade or more for it to come to full fruition, but I’m giving myself permission to begin exploring it today.

My girlfriends are out here being incredibly permissive and inspiring in the way they’re launching in unconventional ways and sailing into uncharted territory with their storytelling and thought leadership.

Witnessing them do it reminds me that I can, too.

And so can you.



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