A Powerful Secret About Time

There’s a project I’ve been working on for what feels like a long ass time.

I originally had slated it to launch around my birthday (March 21st.)

That didn’t happen.

Then I wanted to launch it in June.

Again, did not happen.

I’ve been dreaming and scheming and planning and marinating for a full gosh darn year and it’s finally all coming together.

(Look out for the reveal the second week of September…eeeeek!)

What feels just as big as the fruition of the dream project, though, is how I’ve been relating to the way the timeline has rolled out.

It’s been downright revelatory and deeply relaxing.

That’s what I wanna tell you about today because it’s such a huge win and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna help you, too.

This longer-than-I-thought-it-would-take project solidified an important truth about time for me:

It takes as long as it takes.

We have all kinds of ideas about how long something is supposed to take and how we’re behind or ahead.

But mostly we have no idea how long creation is going to take because it moves according to Divine Time, not human time.

Babies tend to come out when they’re ready.

Cookies are done when they’re done.

Ideas and projects have their own timelines.

They may come through us, but I don’t think they’re ours per se. Just like our kids.

All creative energy comes from Source and then we each channel it in different ways.

Remembering the truth that my creative energy is simply an expression of the Divine moving through me helps me loosen my grip on timelines.

As far as the project I’ll be announcing in a few weeks goes, it needed more time to gestate than my ego thought it would.

And luckily I didn’t get my panties in a jumble about it because the more I lean back into Divine Timing, the more relaxed I am.

And the more relaxed I am, the more creative I become.

It’s the most beautiful upward spiral of opening wider and wider to let things flow.

So, whatever you’ve got on your project list that feels like it’s taking too long, ask yourself:

According to who?

What am I measuring this timeline against and what would it feel like to let that go?

What would become available to me if I let this project take as long as it takes?

When my second baby was 39 weeks in my belly and I was complaining about wanting her to be out already, our pediatrician called down the hall to me as we were leaving an appointment and said,

“Just remember! The longer the baby stays in there, the better!”

It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but I knew she was right.

May we have the wisdom to release our timelines and let things be in Divine Time.

And as we do, may we find the relaxation and trust to let creativity flow through us in even more powerful, beautiful ways.

All my love,


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