An intimate look behind the scenes of my business model

This week I’m taking my annual sojourn to Salt Lake City, Utah, the home of my product partner, USANA, for its international convention.

I don’t talk a ton about my network marketing business, but since I’ll be posting a lot on social media this week about my USANA family and what we’re up to at the conference ⎯ or, as I like to call it, our family reunion ⎯ I figured it was a good time to shed some light on it.

Here’s the quick version:

I created financial freedom through building a business in the direct sales/network marketing industry with USANA. My mom started me on their health and wellness products when I was 12, and I started my business when I was 18.

My vision was to have enough passive/residual income to cover my living expenses by the time I had kids so I could choose to be a stay-at-home mom if I wanted to. Mike and I achieved that goal, and we couldn’t be more grateful to this industry and to USANA. I get teary pretty much every time I talk about it.

Direct what? Network who?

I tend to use the terms network marketing and direct sales interchangeably, but basically they refer to a way of advertising and selling a product via already-devoted consumers who are paid to spread the word about the product.

A couple of weeks ago I realized I had a great Glimpse TV episode talking about this exact topic that I’d never published, and I thought now would be the perfect time to share it. The episode beautifully and transparently talks about this industry that I hold so near and dear to my heart.

(As a side note, I am flexible about my editorial calendar precisely for moments like this. Mike and I are focusing way more of our time and energy on USANA and building our USANA team, The Freedom Family, this year. Even though we filmed this episode a year ago, now is a much better time to share it with you than last August. The takeaway: Trust your timing even if on the surface it looks like something is late. In fact, it may be perfectly on time.)

This episode features the incredible Elizabeth Rider, who I will be seeing this week along with the rest of my USANA family. Liz is one of the smartest businesswomen I know. I’ve benefitted so much from her sage advice over the years, and I wanted you to enjoy it too.

In this episode of Glimpse TV Liz and I reveal:

  • What to do when you get to a point where you feel disenchanted by your business (don’t worry – it happens to everyone!)
  • What you need to give yourself permission to do every now and again
    The most common, seductive thing that knocks entrepreneurs off their path
  • Who should become a health coach and who shouldn’t
  • The most dependable way to guarantee your income as a health practitioner
  • The one thing everyone who works for themselves MUST learn how to do
  • The secret ingredient to sustainable income
  • What to watch out for when searching for a great network marketing company to partner with (and what to avoid)

Click the video below to hear a candid, value-packed conversation revealing what goes on behind the scenes of a six-figure health coach’s business.

twitter_standingIf you want to be in business for yourself you have to be a sales person. ~Elizabeth Rider (Click to Tweet!)

Awesome Bonus Content:

After watching this episode I decided to put together a free report for you with a super cheesy name. It’s called:

Don’t Join A Network Marketing/Direct Sales Company Without Reading This Free Report That Reveals The 9 Key Ingredients A Company Must Have To Be Worthy Of Your Time (Plus 6 Red Flags To Avoid Like The Plague)

To get the free report, CLICK HERE.

Why so cheesy? Because I’m practicing calling things what they are instead of creative names that are fun but leave you saying, “Huh? What is that?”.

And because I wanted it to compel you to take action.

Here’s the deal: Like in any industry (life coaching, fashion, internet marketing, personal growth), there are great network marketing companies, people, and teams and there are awful ones.

If, like Liz and I, you have a genuine desire to create true financial freedom, then I want to help steer you in the direction of a company that’s worth your time and attention.

You’re awesome and you need to only partner with the awesome.

Grab the FREE REPORT HERE and learn how to identify the awesome from the not-so-awesome amidst the sea of companies, teams, sponsors, offers, and products.

Connect with Liz:

To get free healthy recipes and wellness tips, as well as to learn more about Liz, go to

Over to you:

We barely scratched the surface on what residual income is, how to leverage yourself, how to build a business as a health coach, and the network marketing/direct sales industry.

I would love to know what questions you still have after watching the episode.

Leave a comment below and I’ll get in here and answer them personally!


  • “The takeaway: Trust your timing even if on the surface it looks like something is late. In fact, it may be perfectly on time.” <—There's a gem of immeasurable value right there. You've got me thinking now that just because material has been "hiding out" in my myriad notebooks, Word files, Evernote notes, random Post-Its, and scribbled napkins for who-knows-how-long, that doesn't mean I can't pick it up, dust it off, and share that sh*t! I adore you, Kate, truly – Thank you!

  • Wow, how timely this was for me! Not so coincidentally, I have been thinking about adding network marketing to my life.
    Thanks Kate for ALL the info and guidance that you always give so freely of. (I’ll be emailing you some questions now that I have read the report!!). Jeni

  • Tommie

    Timely, indeed! Thanks so much for the information, Kate.

    I received an invitation to a network marketing meeting recently & I’ll be attending in a matter of hours. You’ve certainly given me excellent guidelines to use in measuring the quality of company and product. You’re experience and guidance is very much appreciated, and by listening to the sense of timing given to you, you’ve helped me as I listened to my own guidance as well. Keep up the great work!

  • Jason Torres


    I hope this finds you well. You came into my life via an interview you did on MarieTV and since then I have been following your blogs and it’s really first-class in every sense of the word!

    I just watched this incredible interview and I cannot express the WOW factor that this left on me. This has to be one of the top interviews I have ever seen in terms of being open and real about the direct sales/network marketing profession. Elizabeth’s responses to your questions were simply on point! I love that you did this video and there were so many takeaways I got from the interview. I will share my top two:

    1. Elizabeth mention that many people from our previous generation has a bad taste about the profession- SO TRUE!
    As a young professional in this industry, I got made fun of from, “older” folks because I made the decision to make this my career. They would tell me all these bad things about their company or the industry. For a while it really affected me and I even questioned if I was taking the right path; so, some of the things Elizabeth mentioned in terms of changing the vibration about our profession was so inspirational!

    2. You mentioned how there are times where you many have individuals that want to learn about financial freedom but don’t want it to be via direct sales. You went on to mention how you can’t help those folks because the model you used was direct sales and so you can’t teach folks a model that you are not familiar with. That was such an ah-ha moment because for some reason I would always make it a point to not mention my industry when talking to young folks about financial education. It was like taboo when the truth is, all that I have learned about wealth creation, personal development, and all of my financial education came because of this industry. After that particular segment in the interview, I thought to myself- I’m doing my audience a disservice by not talking about the model I have used and educating them on why it worked for me and why it’s a good option for others. I guess I was concerned that the person who invited me to speak would get turned off based on whatever garbage they were fed about the profession if I were to use it in my talk.

    When I do workshops now for young and aspiring entrepreneurs, I WILL talk about our industry as an option in terms of a business model as opposed to dancing around the subject.

    Thanks Kate and Elizabeth. This is a blog I will absolutely refer to again and again.

    Take care,
    Charleston, South Carolina

  • Kate, I have ‘seen’ you online through Hay House and until recently I was very confused between Christiane and Kate as I learned she is your Mom..I chalked up my confusion to divine timing. The first interview I watched from you was one you did with Danielle Laporte, which I saw last week for the 1st time.. I am a Coach and I was asking the Universe for the words/people who my client has resonance with to send her and wouldn’t you know it you and Danielle somehow were on my mac doing an interview.. Loved it! THAT brought me to my clarity on you and your Mom and of course now to “this” interview, for which I am in utter appreciation for. I admire and commend you both on your Candor and clarity. I have a LOT of questions which I would like to send to you, maybe I will do it privately, if possible. I read your report on the 9 key ingredients and I am happy to say the company I am an affiliate for honours all of them and more. Okay here’s my most pressing question: Firstly, I’m proud about this industry, and have been through a few companies to finally get to one I have resonance with. I have a superb mentor who is in Toronto, I am in Vancouver (Yeap, I’m a crazy Canadian :) ) and.. okay my question. I absolutely believe in my company’s product as it has helped me immensely on a daily basis, and as of very recently too, under 6 months. So having been in previous companies, I have exhausted my list of people.. Yes I have a big following and am a respectable member of my community, however, people are not committing.. I’m not even sure I’m even expressing this properly… Basically, no one is buying anything.. they are so very interested and I give them samples.. they LOVE the product yet nothing… Where do I go from here?.. I understand very well the Manager of all Laws – LOA, and I live by it. In my direct selling I seem to have a trip somewhere. I understand it is me, I am unsure where and what to do next. I am ‘very’ interested in building my biz online as yourself and Elizabeth and the point that stood out the most in your video, actually “that” is the “thing” that is haunting me is the scalability. I LOVE coaching one on one and I will always honour my gift to give in that trusted space. There is nothing more satisfying than two or 3(couples) beings coming together in a safe space and taking thought to a place it hasn’t been to before. Because I am not ever willing to compromise on this and hold group coaching, and since we have access to a genial industry such as direct selling, I want to expand and thrive in it as I want that 6 or more figure residual income on a monthly basis. I KNOW I can do that, and I am surrounded by living proof, closely, and now the Universe has sent you my way, so to end my long windedness, where do I go from here? What is my next step?

    Thank You for taking the time to read my “all over the place” message/question about this.

    Kate, The Universe within Me Salutes the Universe within You.
    Blessings and Much Love

    Nicky T.

    • Kate

      Thanks for your question Nicky! So glad you found me through Ms. LaPorte! I would recommend you read the book Go Pro by Eric Worre. It’s the best book I’ve found on getting really good at your network marketing skills. I bet you’ll find your answer in there! Keep rocking it!

  • Is there anyway to access this interview?

    • Kate Northrup

      Hi Melissa – Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately this interview was taken down because Elizabeth is no longer actively involved in network marketing and she asked us to take it down since it was showing up in Google searches and was confusing her audience. Thanks for understanding!

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