We stopped at 1 million downloads

Yesterday we released the first 3 full-length episodes of my reincarnated podcast, Plenty!

We’re already shooting up the charts with the show and the early reviews are great (scroll to the end of this email to read some.)

This is an unusual podcast launch in that it’s new, but not new.

My partner in life, love, and business, Mike, and I ran a weekly podcast for 4 years called The Kate & Mike Show.

We had our most popular episodes of all time and hit over 1 million downloads just before we decided to shut it down.

Why would we get to a million downloads and then stop?

And what are we doing differently with the show this time around that’s magical for you?

Read on and I’ll tell yah 😘.

Most people wouldn’t pause their podcast after having their most popular episodes of all time and hitting a million downloads.

But Mike and I aren’t most people.

When we announced we were winding The Kate & Mike Show down in September 2020, a bunch of people thought it was because we were getting divorced.

It’s so interesting to notice the programming that assumes that when something is ending it’s because something’s wrong or that it’s not working.

But neither was the case for us.

Here’s why we stopped when we did:

  • It felt like it was time to stop. We just both felt it intuitively. My Grandad always said, “Leave ‘em laughing,” and there was something about going out with the bang of our top episodes of all time that felt so right.)
    (We didn’t know that Mike was months away from getting incredibly sick again and then breaking his knee 5 months later, and then getting hit by a car 18 months after that. We didn’t know we were about to uproot our lives and move to Miami. We didn’t know we’d actually really need the space. But our intuition knew, and I’m really grateful we listened.)
  • We wanted to give ourselves space to practice exactly what we teach: doing less and making a life, not just a living. It’s not like our weekly show was a heavy lift. I mean, mostly we recorded episodes a week before they went live in our basement in our jammies after the kids were in bed. But, I’ve learned that even when I think doing something isn’t a big deal, every commitment in our lives takes up energetic bandwidth, even if it doesn’t take tremendous amounts of time. We wanted to free up some capacity for other things, both personally and professionally.
  • I missed writing. Instead of writing a weekly blog or email love note, I was writing a quick email about our podcast each week. And the truth is, I’m a writer and I missed writing. I wanted to get back to the joy of writing notes to you that weren’t always about the podcast.

3 years after we stopped The Kate & Mike Show, here’s what you can look forward to that’s different about Plenty, and the parts that I’m keeping the same:

  • Going Solo: I’m hosting the show solo. So, while you won’t get the silly husband/wife banter (except for when I bring Mike in from time to time which I definitely will), you’ll get an intimacy in conversation with the guests that tends to develop when there are only 2 people.
  • You Belong Here: Everyone is included. Everyone is invited. I want you as a producer of this show right along with me. What does that mean? Tell me who you want me to interview, send in questions, share your dreams and desires for the show! You can do this by sending me a DM on Instagram or emailing us an info@katenorthrup.com.
  • Live, In Studio: Every time I thought about the new show, I saw myself in a studio with a pro team, sitting with my guests IRL. Is filming live practical and convenient? Nope. It’s not very “do less”, TBH. But it’s true to my vision. It feels so right. I got to design my set myself and make it feel exactly the way I want. I get to sit with my guests in person in Miami and give them big hugs. And you’ll get to experience the energy of that in person connection as you listen or watch.

    (Plus, I’m sooo obsessed with the look and feel of the set we created! Of course you can listen to the podcast on any podcast platform, but if you wanna watch it, you can do that on Spotify and in a few weeks we’ll launch on YouTube, too!)

Let this be your reminder that you don’t have to keep going with everything you start, that just because something is ending it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong, that your intuition is always right, and that you get to do things the way you want to do them.

I’ve learned so much from launching Plenty already and I’m so freaking excited to keep making this show for you and with you because we’re just getting started!

To beginnings, endings, and everything in between,


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