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Your Chronic Lateness, Cured

Your Chronic Lateness, Cured

I’m just going to come right out and say it:

Rushing is a way of keeping yourself small.

Being late is a way of dimming your power.

Chaos around time keeps you stuck.

You may be fantasizing that the only way you’re going to be able to get out of your cycle of never having enough time is to figure out a way to miraculously add more hours to your day.

Well, that’s not going to happen (at least not in our linear time/space reality).

But you can absolutely get more out of the hours you have. In fact, you can actually stretch them so that you not only get more done, but you also enjoy your time more and so that you become more powerful all at the same time.

Say what? Yep. Seriously.

What I’m talking about is time-bending. Ever heard of it? It’s a practice where you can actually stretch or shrink the hours and minutes of your life, depending on whether you want the moment to feel longer (making out with someone who makes you weak in the knees) or to make the moment feel shorter (driving with both of your children screaming in the back seat while you listen to the Frozen soundtrack for the gazillionth time).

Ready to cure your chronic lateness and learn how to become a time-bender?

Watch the video below for 4 quick tips to stretch (or shrink) time at your will.

The times we want to rush are the times we need to slow down the most. – Kate Northrup

Your Chronic Lateness, Cured

Once you’ve watched the video, leave a comment and let me know:

  • Which one of the tips are you going to try first?
  • Do you have other time-bending practices?

Tell me all about it. I LOVE talking and learning about how we can change our experience of time, and I have no doubt that you have some awesome ideas.

Remember this: In the early 20th century, Einstein proved that time is relative. We can shift it at our will. Time-bending is available to everyone, absolutely free, and practicing it will change your experience of life in such profound ways that the top of your head might blow right off.

You don’t have to live as a servant to time anymore. You can become the master of it by bending time at your will, and the time to start is NOW.

Happy time-bending!

P.S. Have a friend who’s always rushing and late? Send them this video.

P.P.S. Want more practical, soulful strategies to revolutionize your relationship with time? Pre-order your copy of Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms before April 2nd and receive 2 recorded workshops, 2 Maven Masterclasses, and a spot in my 6-week guided Do Less Immersion Course, all for free! Pre-order now and claim your gifts.


  • Trish

    This is great when I remember to do it:)

    I have a memory of my wedding almost 20 years ago. Someone told me to take a moment to breathe, look around, soak in the scene, sounds, smells. I have a very distinct memory of standing near the wedding cake and looking out at the venue, and even though I’ve been divorced about 8 years, I still smile and remember how happy and content I was in that moment.

    I don’t always remember to do pause and soak it all in. I have a meditation and movement practice and STILL forget! But when I do, boy oh boy, it’s fantastic.

    Thank you for sending out this reminder. I’m going to teach my pre-teen and teen girls about this practice too.

    • Kate Northrup

      Trish – I also received that same advice and I have some very sweet memories from our wedding of taking it all in. And it turns out every day of life can be like that. It’s just a practice to form a new habit. I’m so glad you’re passing along this gift to your pre-teen and teen girls!

  • Tina

    I found this fasinating. I am very ADD and have always run late or rushed because it is hard to stay
    on task and focused . The practice of mindfulness and putting out with intention your thoughts and needs does put you in control. Armed with this affirmation from you it will become ritual for me!

  • Marty

    Great clip. This was helpful and also sounds like a fun process to practice! Thanks Kate!

  • Sarah Fouts

    Mornings are the worst, but I’m definitely going to try slowing down and being more present so that the day starts well for me and my family.

    • Kate Northrup

      Sarah – I hear you! Mornings are the hardest in our family, too! It’s a daily practice for me to slow down and savor because I’ve found that they more I rush, the worse it gets!

  • Gay Hendricks in his book, The Big Leap, has a chapter called Living in Einstein Time. And one of the things he says is we want to be aware when we say anything like: “I don’t have enough time, I ran out of time, Very powerful…in fact after watching you, I am going to REread that chapter especially with Mercury in retrograde which is such a wonderful time to REview what we may already know, but we experience it in a brand new way ans we say: I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY. Thanks so much.

    • Kate Northrup

      Lorelei, The Big Leap is one of my absolute favorite books and it’s one of the places I was first introduced to time bending. I’m so glad that you’re going to revisit that material because it’s SO POWERFUl!

  • Thank you for this reminder. I have also noticed and experienced how time bending really works. Then I forget about it sometimes when I’m stressed to get things done. I needed to hear this right now. Thanks so much Kate! :-)

  • Yaaas! I do practice time bending, but the first times it happened spontaneously. I would look at the clock (back when we actually had clocks :) and then something would happen like a dream in my head that would give some inspiration on a problem or a story idea to write or even messages about my own health. It would feel like an hour of information, but I would look at the clock afterward and it was the same time as before! That’s when I began exploring it so that it could happen on purpose rather than accident and just as you said, I went to my breath and stayed present. A big caveat is that bending time is awesome in and of itself AND there are more gifts that come in a ‘time-bending state’ which connects us to a divine flow of information. Thanks for posting this Kate!

  • Bridgette

    Hi Kate. I know you spoke of how to slow time, but how do we go about speeding time? Such as dealing with stressful people that can’t be avoided.
    Thanks & I eagerly await your response ☺

  • Loni Stepan

    I am learning how do this too!!!!!! I think that everything is going to work out perfectly and it does. If I’m off track and start to worry about time things don’t work out the way I hoped. I love this!

  • Love this video!!! I have done this!! One way I’ve bent time is by setting a time to get work done. I accomplish SO MUCH in the time I’ve set. Like, I get my work done and I still have enough time to do another task. And another before the timer goes off. It’s amazing!! I’m not rushing, I’m Present, I’m relaxed.

    And there have been times I get somewhere sooner than I think I should–an hour long trip that only takes 40 minutes. So cool to hear someone else talking about this!

  • Kate

    Thanks for this, Kate! It reminds me of a boss I had who seemed to thrive in chaos and urgency. I would have plenty of time to do my job but she’d load other tasks on me and then rush me to get my reports done so she could catch a plane! I never heard of time bending but that’s what I did. Relaxed, breathed, focused. Not only did I always get it done, I wasn’t swept up into the vortex of distress:)

  • Tina

    Love this! I have a tendency to be late even though I hate it! I never really think about driving time and factor in traffic etc. I end up feeling super anxious and mad at myself. I will definitely try this!!

  • This has actually helped me understand that chapter better [The Big Leap] – I too am going to re-read that chapter now. Thanks Kate. xx

  • I didn’t even know this was a possibility! Never heard of time bending before! I’m going to try this. I tend to run late in the morning. It is a source of shame and agnst for me. I am ADD and not a morning person which is a bad combo. LOL

  • Barbara

    Just this very week I made a conscious decision to be on time and calm throughout the day along with some other positive changes I want to solidly establish and maintain. My mantra has been “I am no longer that person”. I am going to use the practices of coming back to the breath and simply not rush about knowing that I actually do have “enough” time. In her book The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown spoke of a researcher whose name escapes me right now but states that many of us life in a “scarcity mentality” and I am very focused on developing a “plentiful mentality”. Thanks for these tips…very “timely” :)

  • Tara Yewdall

    Yes! I have done this myself more than once. I agree Kate, set the intention and DO NOT look at the clock until you get to the destination. It’s a cool thing!

  • I practice this time bending too because paying attention & observing is something I regularly do as a painter ( visual artist )
    if I feel rushed or my mind is on overwhelm, I try to be extra sensitive to my surroundings, the feel of rain on my skin, sunlight on my face, looking at the clouds in the sky, sounds of birds chirping, humming sound of the freeway, taste of coffee or tea on my tongue, for me it’s all about savor, savor, savor

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