3 Q’s I’m asking myself as my mid-year check-in

Guess what?

This week marks the halfway mark of the year!

And while you probably know by now that I have a little side-eye for the Gregorian Calendar and the way it doesn’t entirely line up with the seasons and cycles of nature, I find it useful to do a mid-year check-in sometime around the Summer Solstice and the end of Q1.

A powerful mid-year check-in helps me reassess my intentions for the year (business and personal) to use my time and energy powerfully for the second half of the year.

So often the year passes and we forget to give the intentions we set at the beginning of the year a second thought (or we never set them to begin with) but a mid-year check-in is so grounding and reorienting.

I’ve got 3 questions that I’ll be sitting down with a journal to ask myself by the end of the week and you’re invited to reconnect to yourself by asking yourself them, too!

I often do my deepest soul excavation while I’m on airplanes. No one needs anything from me and maybe something about the small space helps me feel more focused and connected to myself. I don’t know, but it’s magical.

I’ll be on a flight on Friday so I’m bringing my journal and I’m going to be asking myself the following questions for my Mid-Year Check-In:

1. What goals and intentions do I remember setting for the year?

Rather than look back on what I wrote down, I’m just gonna see what I remember. Why? I figure if I don’t remember an intention I set back in January, it may not be relevant anymore. (I’ll go back and check what I wrote, but I’m more interested in what I remember than what I wrote down.)

2. Do these goals and intentions still feel aligned with my heart and soul? If not, what do I need to adjust about them to make them so?

I don’t believe in following through on things just to follow through. Our time here in this lifetime is relatively short. I’m all about changing courses mid-year if what I thought I wanted to devote myself to back in January isn’t setting my heart on fire anymore.

(Note: This is different than having resistance around something that does set my heart on fire. The way our brain and nervous systems work, that which expands us will also trigger our un/subconscious into patterns of limiting thought and behavior to stay “safe.” We need to learn how to distinguish between it being time to let an intention/goal go or when we’re in resistance around something that’s our destiny. And that’s another topic for another day. Reply back if you’d want to read that.)

3. When I imagine it’s December 31st and I’m about to close the page on this year, what would I feel really bummed to have not put my attention on this year? How could I make space and what boundaries do I need to set to ensure that whatever I answered in the previous question gets the time, energy, and attention it deserves? What do I need to say no to in order to have a bigger YES for what I’d be super bummed to not have paid enough attention to this year?

Anything we say yes to means we’re automatically saying no to something else. As someone who wants to say yes to everything when I’m being unconscious, it really helps me to flip it around and instead say no to the stuff I know isn’t it, so I can say a bigger YES to the tippety toppety most important things.

May this Mid-Year Reset help you connect more deeply with what matters and devote your precious time, energy, and attention to it. (If you want a practice that takes this even deeper, check out the Do Less Planner for the full Seasonal Review & Planning process.)

When we focus on what truly matters instead of letting our life force be sucked by what doesn’t, we tap into time and energy sources that were previously unavailable.

If you do the Mid-Year Reset and find it helpful, take a photo or share a video about it and tag me on Instagram. I’d love to hear what you discover!



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