Oh my stars. We have all been taught to work so darn hard to get what we want.
And listen, I was raised with an excellent New England work ethic (with some Pittsburgh and Buffalo roots deep under that), and I am not afraid to get my hands dirty hauling away, splitting firewood with an axe, standing knee-deep in compost to turn it, or learn how to code the backend of my website to fix things on the fly.
That being said, I think most of us have been pushing way too hard for way too long.
Are you tired of trying so dang hard and are you ready for the deep release and oxygenation that comes from taking a deep breath and unclenching your fingers?
If so, I’ve got something that’s going to help. Immensely.
If you want to know:
- How I manifested a refrigerator in less than 3 hours
- How to let go of needing to architect the fruition of everything you want and therefore save yourself a ton of energy, stress, and time
- The critical shift we can make that makes all the difference between allowing vs. controlling
- 3 steps to get better at attracting what you want
…then watch the video below!
One of my biggest time-savers in life is practicing the art of allowing – Kate Northrup

After you watch the video I want to know: What’s something you desire? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Know someone who would like this video? Send it along to them or share it on social.
You are not in control of the entire world. Neither am I. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have what we want (at least the stuff that’s meant for us).
When you practice allowing (rather than controlling) you will not only get more of what you want, you’ll feel a heck of a lot better while you wait for it to appear!
P.S. My new book, Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms is still available for pre-order with $649 of free gifts, including 2 workshops, 2 Maven Masterclasses, and a 6-week guided course! Pre-order before April 2nd and get all the goodies with the book!