Want More Money Miracles?

So last week I taught this big, free online workshop about healing your relationship with money. (Maybe you were there, in which case you already knew that!)

When we hosted an event like this for the first time this past December, I organically and spontaneously decided to invite people to look for financial miracles to pop up during and after the event.

My DM’s flooded with incredible stories of windfalls big and small.

And the response this time was even more gargantuan.

I wanna share some of the money miracles with you because getting a whiff of them is even more life-giving than when I stick my nose in my coffee canister every morning to huff the grounds before I dig my tablespoon in.

But before that, this whole thing and the response from our community galvanized something for me that I wanna pass along to you in case you needed the same reminder.

We don’t get miracles unless we’re looking.

Or, looked at in a different way:

We don’t notice the miracles that are always happening unless we’re paying attention.

And the more we pay attention to them, the more miracles we get.

You might have heard of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is a bunch of nerves at the base of our brain that works as a filter for what we’re consciously aware of (and what we miss.)

Basically, this part of our brain makes sure that we see is what we put our attention on.

It takes what you focus on and puts a filter on it so your brain picks it out of the information noise all around you.

It’s why when someone tells you about a brand of clothes they’re loving right now, you suddenly hear everyone else talking about it.

Or, why when someone encourages you to look for money miracles, you find them!

A skeptical part of you might say, “Yeah, but me deciding that getting my coffee for free this morning is a money miracle isn’t going to change my whole financial situation.”

Maybe it will, though.

What if, for example, someone paid for your coffee and you called it a money miracle, which gave you a little extra pep in your step and style in your smile?

Later that day, you were doing a pitch and because of experiencing your free coffee as a money miracle, you pitched with a little more pizazz. Your confidence was a little extra shiny. Your smile a little bit brighter. Your tone a little more convincing.

So the pitchees said, “YES!” because your magnetism was irresistible.

And then you ended up with more money in your bank account within a few weeks when the deal went through.

In the meantime, you were extra pleasant at the auto mechanic, so you got a tune up for free. (Alert! Another money miracle!) And when you checked into the hotel, you got the kind person discount because you were just emanating gratitude.

Do you see how the cascade happens? 

So, are you looking for miracles? Financial or otherwise? 

If not, you might not get them. But if you are? Sure as shootin’ there gonna show up. Over and over and over. 

Take home message?

We get more of what we focus on.

So focus wisely ;)




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