Master the Art of Storytelling to Form Authentic Connections with Laura Belgray (037)

Want to master the art of storytelling and write in a way that glues your audience to your emails, social posts, sales pages, books, and more? Then keep reading.

In today’s episode, we have the incredible Laura Belgray, a renowned copywriter and the brilliant mind behind the book “Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You Are The Effing Worst.” Laura takes us through how she landed a book deal for her collection of personal and hilariously relatable essays (despite the content having nothing to do with her business), shedding light on the power of storytelling in marketing and creating authentic connections with your audience.

We then dive into her inspiring path to achieving seven figures in her business, exploring her ventures into launching group programs and courses. Laura also shares valuable insights about her transformative programs, Shrimp Club and Book Launch Hero, offering a peek into her super “Do Less” way of delivering programs that deliver results but aren’t a pain in the ass to offer.

Plus, Laura’s gonna make you laugh. She’s had me peeing my pants with her sense of humor for over 15 years.

Grab a box of tissues (because you’ll be laughing so hard) and get ready to be inspired by the incredible Laura Belgray.

“No great book, song, movie, TV show, work of art, anything ever created was created in the spirit of don’t be annoying…or don’t offend anybody, that is not creative Juice.”

Read the full transcript


Listen on…

🎤 Let’s Dive into the Good Stuff on Plenty 🎤

00:00 – When Kate and Laura Belgray’s Paths Collided by Chance
03:00 – Taking the Plunge into Writing a Book Outside Your Wheelhouse
10:00 – Let’s Talk Copywriting and the Magic of Storytelling
16:00 – Oops! The Blunders and Triumphs of Headlines and Subject Lines
20:00 – Leveling Up: Mastering the Art of Captivating Storytelling
25:00 – Scaling the Heights: Laura’s Journey to Seven Figures
34:30 – Hold onto your Seats for the Lowdown on Shrimp Club
37:30 – Get the Inside Scoop on the Thrilling Adventure of Book Launch Hero
39:30 – Brace for Impact: Surprises Galore in the Book Launch Process
42:30 – Signing Off with Gratitude: Wrapping up our Epic Chat

Connect with Laura:



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