Break Free From Societal Limitations: Use Your Innate Spiritual Gifts for Business Success With Lyrik Fryer (027)

Have you ever pondered the real engine behind rapid business growth and sustained success? Well, today’s episode promises to unravel a piece of that mystery.

I had the pleasure to talk with Lyrik Fryer, the co-founder of WorkPlay Branding, and a visionary whose approach to systems has catapulted her company to remarkable heights in record time. But what makes her strategy so uniquely effective? Lyrik reveals the two critical aspects you must consider every time you build a system, shedding light on why these frameworks are not just beneficial but vital for your company’s expansion, ease, and profitability.

We explore the fascinating interplay between her spiritual and psychic gifts and how these have played a pivotal role in her company’s trajectory. It’s a testament to how blending the mystical with the practical can forge an unstoppable force in the business world.

This episode is packed with yummy insights, practical wisdom, and inspiring stories. So, whether you’re looking to refine your systems, harness your unique gifts, or elevate your brand, you’re in for a treat. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Lyrik’s meteoric rise and how you, too, can apply these principles to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

“By staying connected to oneself and breaking free from the patterns and limitations passed down through generations, individuals can tap into their inner knowing and make decisions that align with their true selves.”

Read the full transcript


Listen on…

🎤 Let’s Dive into the Good Stuff on Plenty 🎤

0:00 | Introduction to Plenty
7:00 | Why Systems Are Your Business Growth Accelerators
10:00 | How Inner Journeys Shape Outer Success
17:00 | Mastering Brand Visibility and Strategic Marketing
20:00 | The Evolution of Work Play Branding in 2021
25:00 | Harnessing the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
30:00 | Crafting a Cohesive Brand Ecosystem
34:00 | A Deeper Dive into Systems for Scaling
47:00 | Navigating Business and Life with Spiritual Insights
52:00 | The Intersection of Visual Marketing and Story Telling

Resource Links:

Kate Northrup on Her 7-Figure Visual Marketing Strategy

Connect with Lyrik:

Workplay Branding Website: Go here
Workplay Branding IG: Go here
Work with Lyrik: Go here

If you want to ease your path to creating wealth, I created a Money Breakthrough Guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high-earning friends and asked them what their biggest money breakthrough was. And the responses were so mind-blowing and helpful. I knew I needed to pass them along to you.

This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to and get the guide.

Remember, it’s not about doing more, it’s about making more of what truly matters. See you there!

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