Becoming Your Own Economy.



I don’t watch the news. I really never have. I don’t recommend that you do either.

Why? Because it’s all bad news. There are amazing things happening all over the world that never get reported. Because they don’t make good television. Because they aren’t sensational enough. Because they don’t improve ratings.

Here’s some good news: the reality that the media is reporting on doesn’t have to be your reality.

I’m not advocating turning a blind eye to the atrocities going on around the world. I’m not saying we should pretend everything on the planet is perfect. I’m certainly not recommending ignoring the fact that we can all do something to improve the well-being of the planet.

In fact, I’m recommending the exact opposite.

I’m recommending becoming your own economy so that you can be part of the solution.

Watching the news and waiting for things to change ain’t gonna do it.

Lamenting about how the government and world leaders should do something ain’t gonna do it.

Scanning the headlines and feeling anxious ain’t gonna do it.

The United States, Papua New Guinea, and Oman are the only three countries in the world without paid family leave. I see this as an atrocity.

I’m signing petitions, donating money, and otherwise advocating for this reality to change.

However, I’m not waiting to create the life that I want with my husband and baby until the folks down in Washington decide that they’re ready to help me out.

And I don’t recommend you do either.

If you wait for someone else so that you can live the life you want, you might be waiting forever.  {Tweet it.}


If you wait_Tweet


Instead, you can become your own economy.

This happens in the mind, in the heart, and in your daily reality in the following ways:

  • Change your mind. Decide that you’re no longer waiting for the economy to shift to have the kind of prosperity and lifestyle you desire. This simple act will have you notice opportunities that you would have missed while complaining about “how things are.”

  • Open your heart. When we open our hearts to ourselves and begin to see our own value, we are able to share that value with the world. Contributing our gifts to the world and receiving in exchange for it is part of being the change.

  • Take action. The smartest way of being your own economy is to start your own business so that you’re in control of how much you can earn. You don’t have to go and quit your job and torch your bridges. Start something on the side and nurture it.
When we’re in charge of what we can earn, we get to be in charge of how much we can give. {Tweet it.}


When we’re in charge-Tweet


The economy is made up of the decisions and actions of billions of people. You may feel tiny in a sea of billions, but I promise you, your choices matter.

Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to create Facebook changed the economy. He was one guy.

Jeff Bezos’ creation of Amazon changed the way we do commerce.

The guys who invented the ability to accept credit cards on the internet changed the face of business forever.

Moral of the story: don’t sit around waiting for someone else to make a change.

The economy moves because people like you and I start thinking and acting differently.

If you want to live a life of choice and create more opportunities for others to do the same, start by choosing to become your own economy.



What can you do to become your own economy? What mindset shift can you make? How could you add more value? What kind of business could you start? How could you grow your existing business? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!




P.S. During the month of February my husband/business partner and I are going to be talking business in our #MoneyLove Business group on Facebook. We’ll be posting regular videos about business mindset, revenue models, strategy, how to bring your heart into what you do, and more. Join the conversation here.


  • justine ovsenik

    Kate, Thank you for the article. Taking ownership of your own livelihood is a great step in the right direction. No matter if one ownes a business or if you work for someone else, treat your position as if it is your own business. Cleaning, cashier,waitress,receptionist all can be your value of yourself. I treat my position as if I was the owner and I work for someone. Attitude changes for me and who I am in contact with is amazing! people assume I own the company, no, I just treat it as such. My value of customer and myself is great!!

    • Kate Northrup

      I completely agree. Treating any gig you have as though its your own business is such a smart attitude, one that could profoundly shift your daily life.

  • During and after the Money Love Challenge I could feel the shift towards becoming my own economy, this is the perfect follow up! I’ve definitely changed my mind, opened my heart, and am taking action which is building up some serious momentum in my business. Thank you for this mindset shift!

  • Love & support your wonderful & wise insights, inspirations & causes. Thank You. At 67 years, I have started-up grown into major cotporations and after years of nurturing, sold my four movie theatres, a preschool & I still actice in my consultancy firm. I am grateful to have always been self-employed. Yes, BEing my own economy as you are teaching, is fabulous! I actually have never looked to the government for my leaves…four children & now eleven GRANDS. Let’s build a conscious community of corporations who for the right reasons, simply offer this benefit for their valued employees. Another mandatory law seems lovely for such a wonderful reason. However, in the meantime, AWARENESS is an even higher law. Thank You Kate♡

  • Kate, I think this is one of the most important things that you have ever written! I truly believe our relationship with our money, how we create it and most definitely how we spend it, is one of the most powerful ways that we stand in our power!!!

    Otherwise other people such as governments, organisations, the media etc. wield there power over us and we feel fearful and power-less.

    Bravo for your gorgeous sharing!

    Catherine x x x

    • Kate Northrup

      Thank you Catherine! I agree – having a handle on our money is one of the best ways for us to stand in our power. Well said!

  • sabah

    it is true no one will live my life i am the only one

  • One day I realized that I was holding onto a certain below of that was holding me back directly from
    Achieving my dreams. I didn’t think that anyone would be willing to pay for something that I created. It seems simple because it is and it’s also bogus. Who am I to say what people will pay for or not? Maybe if I create something that I find value in others will too! And they might even be willing to pay for it. (This realization was had in class at SoulCycle btw, I do some of my best thinking there).

  • Well-said, Kate! Very inspirational. And so true.
    I live with the same mindset. :)

    Thank you!

  • This makes me think of one of my favorite Avett Brothers lyrics:
    When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
    And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
    If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
    Decide what to be and go be it.

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