My top 5 pregnancy products for feeling healthy, fashionable, and comfy.


I’ve been getting quite a few requests to write more about my pregnancy experience. Honestly, I’ve resisted because a) not everyone in this community is pregnant and b) it feels a little self-indulgent.

However, in the interest of providing value, I figured a few posts on what’s working (and what’s not) for me and other pregnant friends might be helpful. So here’s the first. I’d love to know if this is helpful to you and other pregnancy (or not) related topics you’d like to know about in the comments.

As I’ve been navigating the extensive world of pregnancy products and Amazon boxes have been arriving on our doorstep on the daily, I have found a few things that have made my pregnancy way more comfortable.

Here are my 5 favorite pregnancy products that have helped me feel healthy, fashionable, and comfy during my pregnancy so far:

  1. Pregnancy pillow:

A few girlfriends recommended getting a u-shaped pillow instead of a body pillow so that when you have to change which side you’re sleeping on you don’t have to wrestle the entire thing over your body and risk womping your bedmate over the head with it.

pregnancy pillowMy friend Laura generously offered to ship hers to me after she had her baby. It’s by Leachco and I love it. I even hauled it to Kripalu this past weekend so I wouldn’t have to be even two nights without it. This puppy keeps my back and hips happy while I sleep on my side (because there’s no more belly and back sleeping until after the baby comes)!

  1. Heartburn-be-gone chewables:

I’ve been struggling with heartburn since the beginning of the second trimester. I keep these yummy calcium chewables in my purse at all times, as well as in my nightstand. They don’t leave a chalky after-taste or feel in my mouth, and they have calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Plus, they’re sweetened with just a tad of honey powder, and they are way better for you than many of the common heartburn chewables and medications because there aren’t any weird additives and the form of the calcium is much more absorbable.

  1. Beyond the Bump Yoga clothes by Beyond Yoga:
qf3058m_true-navy_1Even though I now have a giant belly, I still want to feel beautiful. I struggled in the beginning to find yoga clothes that were flattering and functional. I finally did some shopping on the Pea in the Pod website and discovered Beyond the Bump. I love their yoga tops and pants. I feel fabulous in them, and they don’t fall down during Pilates, ride up in strange places, squeeze my middle in an unflattering way, or flatten my boobs. They’re also high quality, so they should be good to go to make the rounds to other pregnant friends and for cooking future kiddos.

  1. The crème de la crème of prenatal vitamins:

Not all vitamins are created equal. Just because you saw a commercial for something or you recognize the name of it doesn’t mean it’s the best. Pregnancy is not the time to go bargain-basement on your supplements. I started taking a really high quality supplement many years ago, partially with preparing my body for pregnancy in mind.

I started on the prenatal vitamins I take now about six months before getting pregnant. They’re high in folic acid, contain iron, and have never once made me feel nauseous. They’re also pharmaceutical grade (which means they abide by the highest standards for quality and safety). I’ll continue taking these all during breastfeeding and switch back to my regular multivitamin after that.

  1. Liz Lange Maternity for Target Tank Top:Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 8.41.50 AM

I wear these nearly every day. They’re long enough to cover my belly while not so long that I look like I’m wearing a tunic. They’re flattering alone and perfect for layering under sweaters and blouses or other tanks. Plus, Liz Lange is a fellow Brown grad so that makes me want to wear her tanks even more. Thank you to my friend Liz (not Lange) for introducing me to them.

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The top 5 pregnancy products for a healthy, stylish, comfy pregnancy (Tweet it!)

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Have a pregnant friend? Forward this along to her. Have lots of them? Post it on social media!

Over to you:

What are your favorite pregnancy products? I’d love to hear what helped you thrive during your pregnancy, so leave it in the comments below. And, don’t forget to mention other pregnancy (or not) related topics you want to read more about here!


  • OK so I haven’t been pregnant for 47 years but now I know what to buy for those friends & relatives that are. Very timely post.

  • Veronica

    Thank you Kate! I’m buying the pillow today, my hips say bless you! I’ve been schlepping it out with several bed pillows and hemming over which pregnancy pillow to buy. I think we take the same prenatals! ;)

    • Kate Northrup

      Awesome Veronica. Do you take Usana?

      • Durelle

        Hi Kate,
        I used to sell Usana and was part of Team Northrup. I wasn’t aware Usana now has prenatals.
        E-mail me if you’re more comfortable.
        I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable with these products. Sleeping is a biggie.

        Thanks. :-)

  • Morgan

    This is great! Please keep the pregnancy tips coming!!

  • Karis

    A couple of products I love and recommend to patients getting ready for labor and beyond are Earth Angel Mama Baby bottom balm, bottom spray and nipple butter!!
    Stock your hospital/birth bag, cupboards, and freezer with easy and organic nutritious foods and coconut water.
    Enjoy the amazing journey of motherhood it is truly a life altering experience:)

  • Hi Kate,
    Love reading about your top 5’s.
    Could you share what brand the heartburn be gone chewables are and the multi vitamins?

    • Kate Northrup

      Hi Rose- click the link and you’ll see the Babycare Prenatal and Active Calcium Chewable from Usana right there.

  • Well, funny enough, I found I was pregnant with #3 yesterday! This couldn’t have come at a better time. I can’t wait to try the heartburn be gone pills. Wow, did I suffer with my first pregnancy. I lived on tums. Glad to know their is something that really works out there! Congrats!

  • Laura

    Hi Kate, thanks for sharing the products above! I’m curious what books, films and/or online resources about pregnancy, birth and parenting have been most valuable to and resonated deeply with you and Mike? Thanks for sharing!

  • Try some reflexology….so relaxing…but make sure you find someine who is super qualified and knows what they are doing. I’m a reflexologist and wish I was closer to you. You look absolutely radiant! Enjoy your pregnancy. will be a time of true bonding.

  • Cassie

    Hi Kate, I have the exact same pregnacy pillow that you have! My husband splurged and got it for me even though it was a lot pricier than the others out there. It has been amazing! Now that my baby is 4 months old, I still use the pillow everyday for breastfeeding in bed. I just prop pillows behind the pillow for my back, and fold on of the arm’s across me and lay my son on top in the cross cradle postion. My baby and I are very comfy. I love that the pillow cover is washable, which comes in handy when he spits up.

  • SC

    How do you prevent the stretch marks? That’s the one I’m waiting for.

    • Kate Northrup

      I use a lotion called Firming Body Nourisher from USANA, the same company who makes my prenatal and the heartburn-be-gone chewable. I love it and I have no stretch marks.

  • Love it! Elegant and simple. I’m glad you shared your top 5 tips. Almost makes me want to be pregnant again, haha! :-)

  • Susan Baker

    Hi Kate,

    I could not live without Young Living’s pure Gentle Baby essential oil blend. It reduces stress during pregnancy, reduces stretch marks and scar tissue, and rejuvenates the skin, improving elasticity. Also great for babies with dry chapped skin and diaper rash. And wow is it heavenly to diffuse for the whole family with its calming gentle aroma! You could also share it with your Usana family. To learn more send me an email! Best wishes to you, from a former Yarmouth girl.

  • I have been living in those Liz Lange tanks too! I was surprised how soft they are!

  • Michaela

    Thank you so much for sharing, Kate! I am preparing my body for pregnancy and I was just looking into a good quality vitamin. Do you get any chiropractic care? I am just looking into this. Also, I am reading your mom’s book ” Women’s bodies, women’s wisdom”- great reading. Please keep share your insights and recommendations as far as pregnancy and delivery are concerned.

    • Kate Northrup

      Definitely check out the prenatal – I think you’ll love it. I haven’t been getting chiropractic care but I regularly go to get massages and acupuncture. I’ll keep posting!

  • Dear Kate,
    I am finishing the baby shoes, which will be posted to you this weekend.
    I hope you will enjoy.
    You might need also a book with tips for giving the breast, perhaps?
    You can contact me, if needed.
    It would be an honor to me to help you.


  • At 38 weeks pregnant, I think I love my pregnancy pillow more than my husband! Thank you for sharing and please know that we #PrenatalMoneyLovers want to hear about your pregnancy! Wishing you and Baby Watts all the best!

  • I love those tank tops!! I must admit, my baby’s 13 months old and I still wear them. Congratulations and enjoy the ride :)

  • All girls want to get prepared for pregnancy, doesn’t matter how old they are.
    I find it still very relevant.

    Thanks for sharing your authentic experience

  • Tere

    Thank you so much Kate. Even though my second child is almost two, I always love to read posts about pregnancy because it keeps me connected with this awesome period of my life and plus, I can share new advice to my pregnant girlfriends at the moment. I feel like we all participate and support you during your pregnancy, worldwide. Lots of love, honey!

  • Celeste

    After having had eight children, I can honestly say sleep in silk pajamas. They truly were the most comfortable sleepwear during my pregnancies…keeps you cool and warm as needed!!

    Good Luck to you Kate!

  • So timely! Thank you for sharing this wisdom Kate…just found out I am having my first, feeling so joyful and I have so much to learn! Keep those pregnant posts coming!!! Xo

  • Our Ergo baby carrier was just the most useful thing- used it for years

  • Congratulations and best wishes for a beautiful remainder of your pregnancy. I love that you are sharing your personal journey and what’s working for you! A little sad to see such attention given to the mass market chains (Target, Pea in the Pod). There are so many wonderful things happening in the independently owned boutiques and much more personalized attention given to expectant mothers.
    Be Well,
    Hip to be Round

  • Kathy

    A couple great books to nourish yourself and baby are Beautiful Babies by Kristin Michaelis, and Super Nutrition for Babies by Erlich MD and Genzlinger CNC, CMTA.

  • joseph

    It will really helpful to my wife and it is one of the best articles about pregnancy pillow.Surely I will buy one for my wife.

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