I had the pleasure of hanging out with my girl Gabrielle Bernstein, author, motivational speaker, and all around TOTAL rockstar, this afternoon to chat with her about her upcoming Inner Rockstar Lecture. I filmed the interview for the impending launch of my online TV talk show, Glimpse, and the video was great…except for the fact that the dress I was wearing was a bit too “authentic” (it revealed way more than I realized) and I felt that the footage was inappropriate for my blog. (As my adorable friend Danielle said: “You’re too sexy for your blog.”) So, per Gabby’s suggestion, I opted to share the wealth with you all via audio (and you can just use your imagination on the visuals :)) Gabby shared with me her four step process to cultivating your “inner rockstar” as well as some other gems in this six minute interview. Be sure to join us next Wednesday live in NYC for the Inner Rockstar Lecture!
Inner Rockstar Lecture
Date: 6/9/10
Live Performance by Skye Dyer
Tme: 7 – 9PM
Location: Organic Avenue Space of LOVE* 116 Suffolk Street (between Rivington & Delancey)
Price: $25
Anyone who signs up online for the “Inner Rockstar” lecture will receive a free download of Gabrielle’s recent CLARITY Teleclass.
Start getting your ~ING on with Gabby and bring out your own “Inner Rockstar” by reading her book, ADD MORE ing TO YOUR LIFE: A Hip Guide to Happiness