9 am PT
Yes! We’ll be live for 3-days in a row and we’re so excited to be with you!
You’ll receive a personal Zoom link to join the event when you register.
Please check your spam and updates folder. If you’ve previously unsubscribed from our emails you may need to contact info@katenorthrup.com to be re-added to our list.
Yes! You’ll be able to access the recordings of all 3 days until May 2nd at 8pm ET. Links will be sent to you as soon as the recordings are processed after each live session.
Yes! You can interact with our team in the chat while the event is live. While we can’t answer every single question due to the number of people in attendance, we’ll do our best to make sure we cover everything. If your question doesn’t get answered, please email us at info@katenorthurp.com.
Each day of Wide Receiver will run about 60 minutes, however sometimes we get so into the work that we run over time. Please allow for 90 minutes.