Kate Northrup
What if you felt relaxed in your work while your cash flow and impact continued to grow?

Sign up for the free online workshop:

Overworkers Recovery Meeting

Relax, Unravel, and Choose Another Way

with Kate Northrup

Tuesday, July 14th
9am PST/12pm EST*


*A recording will be made available for a short time if you cannot join us live.


Grinding will only get you so far.

Believe it or not, your best, most powerful work (the work that most wants to be born through you) will only emerge from doing less.

You’re invited to learn how to break the old pattern of overworking that’s thwarting your results...and instead tap into your ability to do less and have more (impact, money, satisfaction, joy, you name it!)

Nature never rushes, yet everything gets done.
Here’s what you’ll learn during the workshop:
  • That being an overworker is a thing that you don’t have to be anymore if you don’t want to be (and how to stop)
  • Why working more is not the solution to getting the results and impact you want (and what is)
  • How to ride your energetic ebbs and flows so that the working feels like paddling downstream with lots of current carrying you along
  • How to schedule rest as part of your growth strategy with tremendous precision
  • 3 simple tools (that take 3 min. or less) that interrupt work addiction so that you step out of busy and into your vocation (and have the results and impact to prove it)

I’m your Overworkers Recovery Meeting host, Kate Northrup.

Before I became the bestselling author of Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management and the creator of the Do Less Planner, I had to come to a reckoning with my habits of addiction to overworking.

I thought that getting more done and putting in more hours meant I was more valuable. I also thought that the only way to have the results and impact I wanted was to work harder.

My bumpy entry into motherhood and witnessing the miracle of having made a human (by far the most productive thing I’ve ever done) without having to think about it, will it to happen, or work harder acted as a startling wake-up call around so many things...most of all, my relationship with work.

Thrust into a completely new identity with significant limitations on my time and energy,
I began to notice how habitual and even addictive my behavior was around work. How I would use it as a numbing strategy or a misguided attempt to soothe myself.

What was wild, though, was that in the end, I’d never worked less in my adult life than I did during that first year of motherhood, and yet our revenue remained steady. 

“How is it possible,” I thought, “that I could get the same results while working less than half the amount?”

From this question emerged the “Do Less Methodology” that now lives in our offerings, such as the Origin Collective®, the Do Less Planner, and The Do Less Method for Business.

It’s an honor to share this new way of doing life and work with you, and I can’t wait to be together for the workshop soon!


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